Late Delivery

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Warnings: Swearing, mentions of birth, mentions of anxiety 

Word Count: 1512

"Fuck," you muttered, grabbing the edge of the kitchen counter to steady yourself.

You glanced at your watch to check the time, it had been just under five minutes since your last contraction. There was no denying the fact that you were in labor now, and you couldn't put off going to the hospital any longer.

Unfortunately for you, you were home alone. Tyler had left the morning before to go on a quick trip to iron out some details for the upcoming album. He had been hesitant about leaving in case the baby came early and wanted to send Josh to handle everything alone, but you had insisted it would be fine and sent him on his way. It was only going to be an overnight trip and the baby wasn't due for another week, after all.

Turns out you were wrong.

You grabbed your phone from the counter as soon as the contraction finished and dialed up your mom who had been staying in town over the past few days so that she would be here when you went into labor. She was nothing if not a bit overprotective, and ecstatic for a grandchild, for that matter.

"Hello?" your mom picked up the phone after one ring.

"Mom, hi," you said. "I need you to come pick me up and take me to the hospital. I think I'm in labor."

Your mom squealed on the other end of the phone, "Ok! I need to gather a few things and then I'll be right over."

"Thank you."

You hit the end call button and immediately started to search through your contacts for Tyler's name. It rang four times before Tyler finally picked up.

"Sorry, phone was in the other room and I didn't hear it ringing at first. What's up?"

You were about to start speaking when another contraction started.

"Ty, I' need to...get home"

"What's going on? Are you ok?"

"It's happening."

Tyler gasped quietly on the other end of the line. "The baby?"

"Yes, doofus," you paused as another shock of pain ran up your back. "Now get your ass home before you miss it."

"Ok, we weren't planning to leave for another couple hours but I'll get everyone moving. I'll be at the hospital as soon as I can."

"You better."

"I love you, babe. You've got this."

"I love you too."

Tyler ended the call and you began to walk around the house gathering things you needed to bring to the hospital. Every so often, you had to stop and take a second to breathe as another contraction passed. Anxiety sat at the back of your mind as you thought of how far away Tyler was right now, but you tried to push it away. Added anxiety wasn't going to help your case right now.

Your mom showed up at the door just as you were pulling your shoes on. She let herself in and immediately began to run through the house until she found you bent over in the living room. Once your shoes were on, she helped you up to a standing position.

"How frequent are your contractions?" she asked as she led you out to the car.

"About every three to four minutes," you said.

"That baby is definitely coming," she smiled.

"I know, that's why I want to get to the hospital."

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