Familiar Face

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"Another day another term!" Dei says to herself as she freshens up in the restroom.

90 mins of General Psychology for future psychologists and those who are just there as a requirement.

Dei walks in her classroom 5 minutes after the indicated time, and finds a room full of students.

Some familiar ones whom she flunked in the previous term were there, and the rest are froshmen.

"Good morning class." Dei says.

Some students stood up and said   "Good morning Ma'am!" in unison.

"No, sit, please. You're already in college. No need to stand up when you greet me."

"Let's set the ground rules first. Follow them and let's make sure we all have a wonderful term.Break any of the rules and I will give the first zero of your college life."

Dei pauses, scans the room. I smell fear. Good.

"I see familiar faces, ano kayo, masokista?" Dei chuckles as the students snicker.

One of her old students raised his hand "Miss! Enjoy naman kahit na zero! Try and try until you succeed!"

"Talaga lang ha." Dei says.

"Here are my rules... I always come in 5 minutes after our schedule. If you come in later than I do, I will send you out and you will be considered absent. Any violent reactions?"The class is silent.

"Please refrain from using your phones. I want you focused in class so you may learn something. If it's an emergency, you may take it outside."

"Here is the syllabus for this class..."

Dei hands out a bunch of papers to the student in front of her, and tells him to get one and pass

"Read them and be guided. I expect every--"

The class was interrupted by a late comer.


Shit shit shit.

RJ mentally says to himself.

RJ tried to be as discreet as possible.

"Kung minamalas ka nga naman o, di na nga tumunog alarm ko, yung pintuan maganit pa."

RJ mutters to himself.

The whole class is looking at him as he chose a seat on the left side, second row.

"You're 20 mins late. Mr....?" Dei looks up and asks him.

"Faulkerson, Richard po... Miss."

Their eyes meet and Dei held her breath for a second.

She caught herself right away and didn't lose her composure.

RJ on the other hand was dumbfounded.

Kingina. Sya ba to?! Nandito sya?!RJ thought.

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