Meet you there (14.0)

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school for me starts the 14 I'm sad 😭😭

Also imma rewrite a story that I wrote before bc the idea was cute and original (I think) and I'm planning on making a few more books so you hoomans can read something else in case I didn't update this one :)

ooo follow me on insta @/angieee.73016 if you Can to see my face :) but beware I'm not pretty !!

Jenna's pov

Everything seemed back to normal like how we never stopped talking and it kinda made our lives easier to just be friends again.

I never in a million years think that I would have a second opportunity to be friends with them again.

Especially because of how I promised myself that I wouldn't if I had the chance.

But things are really different from when you want to say you'll do something vs when it actually happens.

So just let life happen and hope for the best. Because if you try and control it you can never be too certain of the effect.

That's why I'm kinda happy that I'm slowly, slowly forgiving. That's the kinda person I am and I hope my parents are proud.

And as of right now they were talking tour... so I went upstairs because I wasn't sure I was comfortable with that yet.

I was laying swinging back and forth in my hammock I had in my room and it was so incredible. The girls didn't want me to have one in here and it honestly makes no sense because we have one outside too but it's so comfortable.

And it leaves me to my thoughts sometimes it's a dangerous route but right now the road isn't that bumpy.

So tour. It's eight months. Around the world. I've always wanted to travel but with my own success. Or me paying for it. Because if it's free for me it feels like I'm stealing.

I don't like people buying me shit or giving me shit for no reason. It just doesn't make sense to me and I hate it. Because then I feel like I can't give them anything back because it happens so fast and they usually give stuff to me when I don't expect it.

Sure it's a free trip. With my best friends. Seeing my now new and former best friends being happy. For eight months.

You know now it doesn't sound so bad. Maybe now I'll just have to convince myself to go.

The door to my room opens and I look up and see it's al. "What's up baby girl?" I ask and she smiles.

"What are your thoughts?" She asks sitting on a chair and bringing it closer to me.

"On what?" I ask acting coy.

"About Spider-Man," She says sarcastically rolling her eyes.

"About tour you idiot!" She says and i laugh.

"Well you know we can always talk about Tom Holland because oof that man drives me insane" I say mentally drooling.

(A/n I love him oh my godddd)

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(A/n I love him oh my godddd)

"We talk about him too much." She says and I gasp.

"There's never too much time to talk about him." I say and she furrows her eyebrows.


I shrug and see she looks at my posters I've hung up a couple days ago. "You really do stan Tom huh?"

"And Z look how beautiful she looks!" I say and she grins.

"We love a queen" she says and I nod.

"Brendon looks INCREDIBLY handsome in that one." She points out and i laugh.

"I ordered all those pictures and they came in like ten days." I tell her and she nods.

"The one's on the wall by your bed?"

"Yeah that's the celeb wall." I explain and she smiles shaking her head.

"You're such trash JJ." She says letting out laughs as I get off my hammock and smack her with a pillow. Which didn't help because she was just laughing more.

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