Meet you there (33.0)

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make sure to comment bc i want ideas for new chapters since I want to write weekly !!

I'd like to say this is just fiction this isn't real none of the characters are how I make them to be when I write *warning violence included*

Jenna's pov

You hate to see it but of course when things get good something has to happen.

I'm pulled away from Ashton and slapped in the face. I didn't know how to react I've never been slapped so my head was down to it's right, hair all over my face.

I'm shocked because I don't know why there would be a logical reason for me to get slapped.

I slowly look up and see a blonde arguing with Ashton not even letting him say a word.  She was screaming stuff like "you're such a fucking asshole!" "I cant believe you did that!" And "why would you do this to me!"

I blink to make sure I'm not dreaming but nope this is really happening. I had no idea what the fuck was going on.

At this point she's yelling awful stuff at him and there's a crowd forming around them. The boys and the girls come I to the middle of the circle to see what's going on and stop it from going further.

Then Ashton finally gets her to stop fucking screaming and talks to her in a soft tone because he's not trying to make this girl even more mad.

Or at least that's what I thought he was doing.

That didn't help the situation at all and it just made her more pissed. She looked away from Ashton and starting to look at the crowd surrounding her. She then lays her eyes on me and I get nervous. "This is YOUR fault." She screams and jumps on top of me.

She was pulling on my hair, punching my face, stomach, legs literally anywhere that will leave bruises. I was screaming and I felt people trying to get her off me but they couldn't making me wonder when this was going to stop.

She kept punching and punching harder with each hit and I was so confused. This random girl is beating me up black and blue and I don't even know why.

I feel all the punches, scratches all over my body and it wasn't something I wanted to feel. It felt like my skin was being burned but worse then I can explain.

I hear so many yells and screams at her to get off me and to stop being a pussy for fighting me without any warning but not much action coming from anyone to get her to stop besides the boys which wasn't enough because she kept hitting and punching my face and body.

That's when I try to turn us around to distract her and when she tries to stop me I bring up my knee to her stomach, hard.

She groans so I brought my legs up and kicked her off me. People move out of the way because they don't want her to touch them and I roll my eyes.

Security finally decides to show up and i sigh. There were four big buff guys taking her out and I just can't believe it took them that fucking long.

I catch my breath and stay on the floor because I felt beat up. Well technically I just did. That's when my body decided that was enough for today and I blacked out.

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