Meet you there (35.0)

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yesterday was Jenna's birthday! in the book right now it's 2018 but I'm going to make time go a bit faster.

I updated a month ago I feel so bad but may was a very busy month for me. Ummm I saw ariana grande last Wednesday and she was so stunning!!

Jenna's pov

I wake up all of a sudden with a pounding headache. I try to open my eyes but the light was so bright and I felt like I couldn't move.

But then I decide to open my eyes. I hear voices and what sounded like nurses running out to get help.

I was so confused and needed information. Fast. I clear my throat wanting to get someone's attention but the leftover nurses are just talking to each other as if they can't see me.

"Excuse me?"

They suddenly stop talking and face me with eyebrows arched. "Luc I thought you were kidding."

"I told you she woke up!!" A young blonde with bright blue eyes, who I'm assuming is Luc, told the more older nurse.

"Hey sweetheart how do you feel?" The older nurse asks walking towards me.

I stay quiet not sure how I'm feeling. I'm confused where are my friends and family. "I'm confused. I feel fine but have a killer headache. Also what's the date?" I say noticing all their stares on me.

"Hun it's July 21st." I widen my eyes not believing it.

"Is it still 2018?" I ask, at this point unsure of what year it even is.

"No it's 2020." She tells me making me roll my eyes while she laughs.

I get out of a coma and she thinks it's funny to fucking laugh?

And where are my friends??

And on cue I hear loud voices screaming and loud footsteps and I immediately know it's them. "I can't let all seven of you go in!!!" The poor nurse from before says.

But she doesn't know my friends. And all seven of them will come in here no matter what.

"Our best friend just got out of a fucking five week coma and you're telling me we can't go see her?!?" I hear Al yell as they're making a turn and I hear them getting closer.

"I can only let three in." She says and i still hear the arguing when the door opens.

I smile and laugh, tears in my eyes seeing my jaz was the one that came in first. "I missed you so much dumb bitch!" She says climbing on top of the bed to hug me.

"I missed you." I say hugging her equally as tight.

The other two nurses left to go try and control the leftover four of my friends although three of them can come in.

"Who do you wanna see? I'll bring them out." She tells and I widen my eyes.

"I am not choosing." I tell her and she chuckles.

"I'll choose." She says standing up while I take a look around my room.

There were a lot of pink, red, and white roses and big teddy bears and balloons all over the ceiling. "JENNA CHOSE EVA AND AL!" Jaz screams letting the two girls in then closing the door hearing the protests of the four guys.

"Jazmín!" I tell and she winks.

"Gals before... what was it again? Gals before pals? But that wouldn't make sense. Maybe it's-"


"No need to be rude alivia." She says with a pout.

Al and Eva come up to me giving me kisses and hugs. I grin and hug them back. "Come here bitch!" Al says and Jaz grins.

"Knew you couldn't resist me." She says and goes on the bed to hug me.

We're all hugging on a hospital bed that's most likely only meant for one person but I couldn't even care enough to say anything because I missed my girls so much.

We're just hugging in silence comfortably until I hear a stomach growl and they pull away and look at me. "So what are we eating today?" I ask with a grin as they groan.

"It's great to have you back J."

"Is it our turn yet?" I hear a voice say and I see a face popping in. I laugh as he looks uttering ridiculous.


"Oh my god okay! Jesus no need to yell!" Calum says going back outside.

We laugh and go back to our hugging. I missed my girls. No. They're my family and I missed them with my whole heart.

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