Meet you there (39.0)

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another point of view just to see things differently and I did sooo much editing bc I realized I messed up with a lot of the dates but enjoy!

(I was getting pissed at something so I made cal go off!)

Calum's pov

I wanted to be honest with Jenna and tell her that Ashton's girlfriends were real, even bryana but ashton wanted to have her and Jenna which was wrong.

He lied to "the love of his life" by telling her he didn't love bryana but he's a bad liar and Jenna isn't stupid or oblivious.

I went downstairs to talk to them and confront them. I saw how destroyed Jenna was. There was nothing I wanted more then to see her happy.

I wasn't actually there but jaz told me and showed me how she looked and it broke my heart.

So what she met someone and felt happy again? he met bryana 2015 and confirmed they were dating the same year but ashton played it off as if he wasn't in love with her.

They became official in May and then met jenna again in October. He spent time with her for him to only break her heart all over again.

She didn't deserve it and thinking about it made me mad. I go to where they are and try to calm myself down fast before I explode on them.

"When did she even get time to date?" Mike asks looking so confused.

"Clearly she didn't miss me that much" ashton scoffs.

I bite my lip and have my hands in fists, my fingers going into my palm. why are they being like this. Fame has changed them. And if it's not that then I don't know what it is.

He's playing with her and I'm not for it. They were never official and he's getting mad. It hurt her when she found out he was with bryana but to get out of it he lied.

It's like he didn't even give a single shit about her feelings. He wanted to be happy but broke her heart in the process.

"Calum? You there?" Ashton says waving his hand at me but I grab his wrist.

I look him dead in the eye and glare. jenna did not deserve that shit. "What's wrong with you dude? Let go!" He yells and I roll my eyes.

"You react like that to jenna having a boyfriend when you had three girlfriends and the girls you've hooked up and you're asking me what's wrong." I say trying to calm down before I do something I'd regret.

"You made her sad, depressed, and disappointed. You made her be so fucking unlike herself until she met David that her whole life was turned around. He made her happy, feel like herself again and he never left her. He was there when you left twice! She was fucking in love with you and you have the nerve to be mad when you guys were never even fucking official. David has the balls to ask her out and treated her right like she should be treated." I tell him letting go of his wrist but I wasn't finished with talking.

"And to make shit worse when I came to visit Jaz you guys had to come. She had a panic attack because she was so fucking scared and didnt know how to feel because you left her feeling unwanted! Then you decided 'hey how about I tell her I love her, mean it, not make it official, keep this going for two months and then leave and not talk to her again.' while you were still in a relationship with bryana. then she finds out that you were with her the whole time but you think 'how can I make this better for myself? Oh I know I'll just lie to her and tell her she means nothing to me!' David was there for her AGAIN. I'm tired of seeing jenna hurt. Especially knowing it's you that has hurt her. Don't fucking talk to her again, you're out of chances." I tell him with a serious look on my face and walk away to go to Jenna's room.

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