Meet you there (18.0)

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Next pov so y'all can know the background of everyone besides Ashton and Jenna. Oh and sorry if it wasnt posted Sunday !

Al's pov

Flashback (they're fifteen)

"Michael give me the fucking controller!" I yell hitting his back.

He laughs and I pout. Then when he comes close I jump on top of him and he comes down making me on top.

I strangle him and he laughs. I shake him and he laughs. I tickle him and he laughs. "Mikey! Give me my controller back!!"

"No you're never getting this back!" He yells and I laugh.

"Don't be a pussy just because I was about to beat you in Mario kart!" I say and he opens his mouth wide.

"You." He tickles my sides a bit and I squirm a bit.

"Were." I try to escape but one of his hands grab both of mine and his body on top of mine.

"Not." I laugh almost on the edge of needing to piss but that's how I always am when I'm with mike.

"Going." My throat starts to feel the pain of laughing so hard.

"To." Small tears start going down my face.

"Beat." Everything seems like a mess my donkey laugh and tears.

"Me!" He yells and stops tickling me.

"You're such an ass!" I yell trying to calm my breathing.

I laugh because I'm just great at calming down and he throws me my controller hitting my funny bone. I scream and he grabs me pulling me close to him. "I'm sorry Liv! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!" He says and I smile.

Wow I love a dork.

Oh my god.


That's... too much.

Mike and I have known each other since we were about ten. Our parents worked together and we happened to be next door neighbors.

But I do love him i just don't know in which way.

He's always been like a brother but I hate to admit those feelings I keep away far from my mind, do come up to and I feel them.

I always knew I had a crush on Mikey but it feels unreal. Whenever we hang out i feel like I'm living my best life.

And I am. I've never felt this way ever but maybe it's just my teenage hormones.

I'm interrupted from my thoughts w mike tapping on my head. "You good?"

I take a couple moments and smile. "Yeah."

I lay down my back on his chest and I intertwine our hands together. It feels right.

"Your hands are small." He blurts out and I pout.

He giggles and I grin. We stay in silence our hands intertwined, my heart beating fast. It was weird.

Because I was hearing his heartbeat too and it was racing. Almost as fast as mine. Why?

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