Meet you there (37.0)

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im splitting this into theee parts because it was over 1500 words !!

Jenna's pov

The only one that knows about him is cal because he's the only one we've had contact with ever since he came over to visit jaz that one day. even though the others came over too but it was different.

"Oh this is our friend Dave. We met him at Disneyland in uh 2014." I say not bothering to look at them but more at D because he was giving me a "yikes" type of look.

Now, Dave is bi and he tends to be a flirt to everyone. But after a few months from that day at Disney we were dating for seven months. We broke up because we felt like it was forced towards the end but we're still good friends.

That day he flirted with Jaz and I. Even after Jaz told him she wasn't looking for a relationship which was when I should've realized she was with cal.

But Dave and I have history, I just didn't want to tell them that. Even though he did call me "babe" and "my girl" it's just what he calls me and I don't mind it.

He's one of my best friends even though we had a past. It's like how I've known Ashton my whole life and had an up and down relationship for years but we're still trying.

"Dave was there for us and is a very close friend to us." I tell them holding his hand.

He looks at me and smiles. He's been there for me for four years and he truly deserves the whole world.

"Did you guys date?" Luke blurts out and I gulp. He slowly let's go of my hand but it makes me think about the fact that I thought it was going to be Ashton or mike to ask that.

Dave looks at me and I nod. "Yes we did."

The four boys stay quiet and I don't know what to say. It's not like I was going to know I was going to have feelings for him.

Plus Ashton can't act like he didn't have feelings for Bryana. I know it was real the first few months but then they said it was "just pr". That's bullshit I know he had feelings for her and the other girls he's been seen with. But I won't bring that up.

I felt alone when they left. But when we met Dave it was like my dark clouds of rain were drowned by a big bright rainbow. When I started gaining feelings for him and we kept hanging out, he made me really fucking happy.

He made me feel happy and loved. When they left the first time he was there because we hung out with him the last day we were there too. I told him my feelings when I didn't even completely tell my girls. Then the second time they left he was there for me too.

But he was also there for the girls. We had formed a strong bond that I'm forever grateful to have.

I clear my throat really wanting to break up the awkward tension because it should be far from awkward. luckily jaz comes in and everyone looks at her. I grab Dave's hand and give him a look and he pouts.

"Jesus who died in here?" She asks walking over to Dave and I because the guys are by my feet while Dave's by my side.

"Oh shit." She mutters soon realizing why it's so dead in here.

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