July 30th, 2018

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"America, Canada!!!" Trinidad ran after her brothers as they passed her to head to G8 meeting.

The twins both turned around, "Hey Trinidad," Canada greeted, "Is there something you need?"

"Not really, but will you guys be free tomorrow evening?" She asked.

"Yeah," The twins both responded. 

"We're not planning on anything tomorrow," America said.

Trinidad grinned, "Good, because tomorrow, the whole family will be together!!!"

They smiled at her, "Sounds fun, what are we all doing?" Canada asked. He was still a bit tired and had only woken up about 2 hours ago.  He had slept so much due to getting his memories back. 

The Nordics had been so happy. 

When he got the major headache Belgium had started to freak out and Portugal had to calm her down and explain that, the memories came in so fast that headache was part of the process.

But he had also told her that it could be extremely painful. Big mistake.

After hearing that, Belgium... Well let me show you myself.


"What do you mean he's in pain!?!" Belgium yelled at Portugal, she was cradling Canada, who was having a major headache. 

"The memories are coming in so fast, faster than the brain can process," he explained, "Since they're coming so extreme, it's very painful."

"Is there a way to limit the pain?"  She asked desperately.

"Not that I know of."

She glared at him, "How are you so calm?!"

Portugal knew this was going badly, he knew how moms could be when it came to their kids. "I've seen this before with Diego. Everything turns out okay in the end."

Shouldn't have said that.

"You mean you just watched him in pain like that?" Belgium simply asked.

Portugal didn't say anything.

The rest of North America and South America just looked at each, their mother was gonna kill their father. They knew it.

"And did you just watch him faint too?" She simply asked. 

Portugal didn't answer.

Belgium just stared at him, not saying a word.

The other nations knew this was gonna end badly, the Nordics knew it, everyone knew it.

Belgium turned back to her son when she heard him whimper. "Shh baby, I know. I'll make you some waterzooi, waffles, and crêpes later." 

Canada groaned again and then passed out due to the pain. 

Belgium turned to Portugal again, "So, what did you do when Diego fainted?" She was so calm.

Too calm.

Argentina answered, "I brought him upstairs." 

"Oh," She was still staring at Portugal, "Ok." She just nodded and held Canada, moving his hair from his face. 

The look in her eyes as she stared at Portugal gave him a silent warning for later. 

And that's the day he truly learned the mother bear side of Belgium.

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