August 15th, 2018

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So D texted and said Mama (Bel) and our new uncles are already over there with them. They introduced them to the Mexican States, cities, and territories too.

And right now as we speak, apparently Mama and Mar are out on a shopping trip.

It's honestly pretty surprising, D said that Bel dragged Mar out hours ago since she noticed the lack of hair things or stuff Mar had. I really don't know.

So he's hanging with Luxembourg and Netherlands and our younger siblings who are there. It seems like they're having a good time over there.

The Nordics are on their way over right now too. They'll be here tomorrow. All our siblings and parents on the Eastern side of the world are flying over right now.

Brazil said that the second Aiti (Finland) sees the four of us, he'll hug us to the point of us fainting due to lack of oxygen, I cannot disagree with that. We had to be pried from his grip last time. 

But Tina (Argentina) thinks that Mama will fight Aiti to the death if that happens since she can be protective like that. He says she'll be like, 'You knocked out my babies, bitch. I'm gonna mess you up.'

I wonder who would win that fight.

I mean Aiti was a Viking and can have a scary side and I know he has hidden guns. But Mama can cut someone with waffles and I've seen her punch people down (England). Plus she did something to Papai (Portugal) once, after Mattie fainted.

I'm not sure if I want to find out who would win. My two mothers would be fighting each others.... I really don't know how I would feel about that.


If Bel and Finland fought to the death over North America, who do you guys think will win and why?

The 17th will most likely be the last chap. It's coming to an end.

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