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"Tay, do you have everything packed?" My mother screams from downstairs as I gather the last of my things.

"I'll he down in a second mom!" I grab the essentials and stow them in my carryon: Advil, passport and ID, smacks, books, magazines, everything needed for a long flight.

I take one last look at my childhood room. I can't believe I won't be back for a year! I mean I've left to live in the dorms for college last year, but I was only about three hours away then. Now I'm going to England for a year of school and I am a little homesick already.

There is a knock on my door as I am just about to go downstairs.

"Taylor, we gotta get a move on sweetie." My dad says to me and gives me a fake smile. Both of my parents act happy for me but deep down I know they would stop me from going if I would listen.

I nod and take my things downstairs. Since I am an only child, my parents will be alone for a whole year. I wonder what that will be like for them, and for me.

"You're sure you don't want us to drive you to the airport Tay?" My mom swallows the tears threatening to stream down her face any second.

"I appreciate it, but I think it would be easier if josh and I just go."

Josh is my aunt Sophie's son and is going home to Paris after staying with my family for a few weeks. He's flying with me to London to help me move in and then flying home. I think it will be nice to know he's near me while I'm away, even if it's not exactly in the same country.

"We understand." My dad comes over first and hugs me tight. My mom soon joins in and our fluffy white dog Nugget soon jumps into my arms to lick my face.

Then I hear josh honk the horn from

outside, signaling that he finished loading our luggage and we need to go.

"I love you guys! I'll see you soon."


I take my seat on the airplane in between my cousin and a middle aged woman who continued to tell me how excited to see her son she was for the duration of the twelve hour flight. I was slightly annoyed since I had planned to sleep during the long flight, but this woman was talking to josh and I as if we were her very best friends and telling us all about herself. Her name is Maggie and she is from London but came to America to visit her daughter who moved here with her American husband a few years ago. She has a grandchild now named Grace and came to see her force first time since she's been born. She has another child, a son, but doesn't seem to like to talk about him much. She will mention him but never go into details like she did the others. I brushed this off and continued to listen to her .

When we finally arrived, she gave us each a hug goodbye and gave us her number in case we ever needed someone to show us around England. Wow what a nice lady.


(A week later)

Josh has just left for Paris and now I am fully moved into my new apartment. I will be sharing it with another student who has yet to make their arrival. It is an apartment complex mainly filled with students from the university I will be attending so everyone seems to be moving in at the same time as I am which makes me feel more comfortable.

"Taylor Blake?" I hear a voice call out my name from the hall. I curiously open the door to see who is asking around for me to find a short girl with chocolate brown hair, pale skin and green eyes staring at me.

"Hi I'm Zoe! I'm your new roommate!" She says as she puts her bags down and engulfs me in a hug.

"H-h-hi I'm-"

"Taylor yes I know! I am so happy to meet you! Let's get settled in shall we?" Her thick British accent shining though. I nod and help her with her bags.

"So have you met any do the neighbors yet?" She asks me and I shake me head no.

"You need to speak up more! I know I'm super loud but you are going to be too once I start rubbing off on you!" She yells and throws one of her empty bags against the wall. It bangs against the wall a lot harder than expected and we both jump a little.


Then there is a loud banging on our front door and the person keeps banging furiously until I rush over to answer it.

When I open,I see that our visitor is a man who stands at probably 6'3 with sandy blonde hair and hazel eyes . He looks angry until he looks at me. His eyes soften a little but he is still mad.

"What the hell was that???" He booms

"I, I-"

"So sorry! I didn't realize how strong my workouts have made my arm! My fault!" Zoe pops her head into the room and then quickly pops away, leaving me with him.

"Oh....sorry. " his accent matching Zoe's perfectly.

"It's ok. I'm guessing you're the neighbor?" I ask sarcastically.

He grins a little at my comment and laughs. "Yes. I'm James. James Hudson. I'm really sorry about yelling at you a minute ago."

"It's ok, we can hug it out." Wait what did I just say?? Taylor get a grip!

His brows furrow together and the smirk returns to his face.

"Deal. Only if you tell me your name."

He wraps his arms around me in a tight hug and I find myself burying my head in his chest. I then look up at him and smile. "Taylor. Taylor Blake. Oh and that's Zoe back there pretending not to listen to our conversation." I giggle.

"Hi Zoe!" He yells out to test it.

"Hey James!" She shouts while we still can't see her. She's pretty hilarious.

"Well I hope to see you later Taylor Blake." He smiles and opens the door to exit.

"I don't know, I might have to move. I heard there is a very angry and aggressive man living in this building who knocks on people's doors and yells at them." I smirk and he laughs.

"I'll try and keep it down,...for you."

I then put my hands over my heart pretending to swoon, making him laugh harder.

He leaves and Zoe practically jumps me.

"You two were on fire out there! Taylor that man is totally into you, and it's all thanks to me. You can officially thank me later once you process what just happened." She laughs and leaves the room.

Wow. I really hope she throws more objects at the walls so he can come around all the time.

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