Chapter 2: The Visit

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Channel approaches me as I was inches away from climbing onto my bus. "You okay?" She asked as if she cared.

 "Am I? Shouldn't I be asking you that?" I questioned.

 "Oh, I'm fine, it's your friend you should be worried about, I mean he is a psycho." Who you allegedly were fooling around with.

 "You know damn well that he isn't a psycho." 

Chanel laughs, "my sweet Niki...I know." She says with a devilish grin. 

"You did this didn't you?" I asked.

"I? I did nothing wrong but be the golden girl you couldn't be. By the way vote for me for homecoming princess."

 No, I'd rather trip and fall off a cliff. She runs her light fingers through my hair. I hated staring at her, she reminded me of everything that I am not. She gave my hair a light tug before walking off with her friends.

I arrive at Stefan's house and hesitantly knock on the front door. I know he wouldn't want to bother since I did tell him I hated him and he should die.

When you're gone

- Unknown

What does that even mean? Noticing a reflection in the window I rush towards the backyard. Covering my mouth in a horrific expression of sadness I scream. Stefan's parents rush outside to find his son lifeless on their grass. His mother pulls me into a hug as she turns me away from his still body.

I sat on the porch of his house wrapped in a blanket as if I was just fending myself from a murderer. I had to give a statement as if I knew what happened. 

"There was no suicide note so he couldn't have killed himself...he loved himself too much for that." I urged myself to keep it together.

 "Are you sure? He did get suspended for sexual assault...and by the looks of his journal and I quote 'I did this all for you.'" 

I wiped my eyes and sighed, "what are you implying sir? That I could've killed him? I wouldn't hurt a fly...and if he did want to kill himself that was all on him." I said strongly.

 "That's what they all say."

"Can I go?" I asked taking the blanket off of me that was wrapped so perfectly warm and cozy. "Yes, you may." The officer said taking the blanket away from me. As I sauntered away from the house my eyes gawked at the sight of my freckled cousin, who wore a blue hoodie in awe, at the sight of the body bag.

The next day, I caught the bus to school even though I didn't even have to come to school. The principal acknowledged me, and he rarely does that he just goes about his business whenever my name is involved.

 "Ms. Tyler, shouldn't you be at home? You're excused for the whole day."

"I'm fine," I said, before passing his locker and all that grief crept up on me like a snake and I couldn't handle it. It suffocated me, to the point where I was gasping for air. I ran into the girl's bathroom to hide my tears. Chanel and her friends entered the bathroom. 

"Chel, did you hear about Stefan killing himself?" One of her friends asked. 

"Yeah, I heard he tried to hang himself but ended up slipping and falling and breaking his neck." Her other friend added.

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