Chapter 9: Panic At The Disco

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A week has passed since I've last spoken to Ashton and he's sent me over thirty voicemails.

"Nicole, what's up?"

"Nicole hey, it's me again I haven't heard from you in a while just wanted to make sure that you're okay cause you're not texting me back so yeah bye."

I stare at my ringing phone, to glare at the caller I.D. that read Ashton, don't get me wrong I didn't want to ignore him but I had to because what If Chanel was right? I finally answered.

Ashton- you answered your phone

Nicole- I know and I'm sorry...there was a lot on my mind

Ashton- It's fine I'm just glad you answered me

Nicole- I was hoping we could talk in person because I have some things I have to get off my chest

Ashton- Okay I'll pick you up

Nicole- Oh great bye

Once he picked me up we ended up going to the mall.
"So what's on your mind?" He asked.

I laughed, "Chanel said some things to me... and I got the thinking that maybe some of the things that she said were real...then I started thinking what if she killed him so I've been doing some research."

"Wait... what?" He asked.
"I know it sounds crazy and I only have her words as proof."-

"Wait so you stopped talking to me because of things she said? Like what?" He asked.

"That you have secrets but."-

"Wow, so anything she says you believe?"

I shrugged sheepishly as I realized how ridiculous I sounded.
"You are so insecure and there is no secret." He said.

"So you aren't going to date your partner?"

He heavily sighs, "are you crazy? Nicole... I should've known your young gullible mind would believe something like that. You're allowing her to get in your head."

"I am not letting anyone get into my head I thought you would understand, don't you want to know who killed Stefan?"

He nods, "I really thought we could come here and talk like civilized adults but I guess we can't."

Is he really bringing maturity into this? With frustration rising inside of me, my eyes begin to water.


I step away from him.
"Please don't make a scene." He said.

"Chanel was right, she's always right," I said.

"Wow, okay well no wonder why you're so lonely! You use her as an excuse to not get close to anyone! And I can't believe I'm even saying this but Stefan did talk about you and he didn't like you and I don't even think he ever loved you."

"What?" I asked.

"You heard me, Stefan never loved you he loved..her."
With so much on the line, I left my hand-printed on his face.
"Well, now I know how you feel," I said before walking away.

I slammed the door behind me as I entered my house.
"You're home...I thought you and Alyssa were still shopping." My mom said.

"I lied, Alyssa... hates me," I said.

"Oh well, she wasn't good enough."-

"Yea, I know...I'll be upstairs if you need me," I said walking away.
I slammed my door and glared at the sight of everything in my room.
'He never loved you!'
Kept replaying in my head until the point where everything seemed to mean nothing to me and before I knew it I was flipping anything and everything over and I ripped every love letter or anything that reminded me of Stefan into pieces. Snatching off his necklace I tossed it in the trash. Screaming in emotional pain and agony I fall to my knees crying.

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