Chapter 19: Black Beauty

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Ashton's POV,

I watched as Alyssa's doctor gave me the synopsis. "Here's what I have. Alyssa was fine before her death. There were signs of struggles and her pillow was moved over to the other side of the room." Detective Marshall gives me a look. 

"I also found a lock of hair on her sheets."

 Why haven't they said anything before? Someone else must be at play. Or this imposter, who's my girlfriend must be good at fooling people, myself included.

 "Do...did you find out who it was?" I hesitated to ask as I felt my voice almost crack. 

"Yes, it turned out to be some girl named Ava-Riely." The scientist then answered showing us a picture it was more of an old photo, she did in fact resemble Nicole, the spitting image.

 "That looks exactly like"-

"Okay thank you, I'll keep in touch," I said interrupting her. 

"You okay?" Detective Marshall asked.

 I nodded, "Jasmine we're dropping this case." I said blankly staring at her. 

"Why, we know who did this."-

"Drop it!" I yelled and she stopped talking, shocked by my tone. "I'm sorry, I have to go," I said walking away from her. I hope she doesn't find my sudden withdrawal startles her into thinking that I have something to do with this. I mean I am involved partially, I'm protecting a criminal, and as strange as it sounds I feel like I have to. 

Once I had arrived home I took the file that was in my hand and slammed it down on the counter right in front of her. 

"Are you okay?" She asked as I wiped my nose.

 "Nope, you've been lying to me," I said opening the file. She stood up and stepped up to me. 

"W-where'd you get that?" She hoarsely asked.

 "I did a little searching because I knew there was something different about you. How could you be so stupid?" I said with raging bull eyes.

"Okay, who told you?" 

I looked away not even wanting to look at her. "Chanel did! I knew it!" I grabbed her arm before she could walk away.

 "You killed Alyssa." She yanked her arm away from my grip. 

"I did what I had to do! She was dead weight anyway. And I do hope you know if you rat me out I will kill you and everyone you love." 

I smiled, "Why are you smiling?" She asked. I sighed before grabbing the file and she followed behind me to the living room.

 "What are you doing?" She asked as I tossed her file into the fireplace.

 "Everyone deserves a second chance, and it is as if nothing had ever happened."

"W-why would you do that? Don't you want Nicole back?" She asked, and a part of me did but I've gotten used to Ava. I intertwined my fingers with her as I gazed into her eyes. 

"I do...And I also want you. I didn't fall in love with Nicole I fell in love with you."

"But I'm a killer." She softly said. "And so am I," I said. "I-I can't."-

"What do you mean?"

"I-I ...still love Stefan. He's the father of my child. I can't even see her."-

"Because you're unstable," Naiomi said entering the room. "I know where Nicole is and why," Naiomi said.

 "When did you get here?" Ava asked.

 "An hour ago, and Ava didn't intend on getting rid of Nicole, their mom did. Ava just wanted Stefan to actually believe in something I can't say." Naiomi said.

" Naiomi said

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(Naiomi ^)

"See I told you guys I'm not all bad," Ava said with a smile. 

"Well I don't want to find Nicole, we're all better off without her."

Nicole's POV,

As I made my tally mark on the floor I slowly looked up at him. "You're back," I said gazing into his brown eyes. "Of course why wouldn't I be?" 

I smiled, "I'm always here to save you." He said. His smile brought me joy. Stefan's loud laughter towards my delusions snapped me back to my nightmares. I started to glare over towards my full pill bottle.

"He's not coming for you this time." I shook my head trying to block out his harsh words. 

"Why do you hate me?" I asked. 

"Because you're a monster. Now, why don't you do both of us a favor and finish what you've started." He said watching me as I picked up the bottle and opened the lid.

Ava's POV,

"Are you really sure you want me?" I asked and he nods. 

"Pos."- I jumped as policemen came barging into his apartment. 

"Nicole Tyler you are being arrested for the murder of Alyssa Stokes." Detective Marshall says yanking me from my seat and handcuffing me. 

"I'm not Nicole! I'm Ava." She then slams me onto the ground. She picks me up before escorting me out of the room. I don't see why I'm getting in trouble, Ashton's the one who covered it up and is having an affair with me. 

"I'll get you out of this okay," Ashton says calmly which makes him even more.

Nicole's POV,

"Hello, I'm here to see a patient here by the name of Ava," Derek said. 

"I'm sorry she isn't allowed to have any vis."-

"It's fine he's with me." Ava's doctor's assistant said guiding him down the hall.

 "She needs."- Derek pauses as he saw me laying there on the cold floor. 

"It." He finishes. "

Nicole?" Derek ran towards the glass. 

"Chanel is going to kill the door," Derek demands and the door opens. He knelt down to my side and cupped my chin. With my eyes opened ajar I utter, "Derek?"

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