Chapter 26: Dear Niki

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Dear Nicole's diary,

I am with utmost apologies, that I had to ruin your life but, I was just looking out for myself. I'd bet you would know that right? Or not. But when you get the chance to read this then, you'll get to hear about me and how I've changed your life.

Anyways, today was a great day, Stefan and I are on good terms for once. Btw thanks again. So I'll have what I've always wanted, a family.

Love sincerely,

Closing my sister's diary I turn to Stefan who lays restless in bed, shirtless, with the helming light shining in on us. I set it beside his bed, I live at his house, for now, I'm waiting for her house to be re-built since she wanted to burn it down.

Ruggedly handsome Stefan's, slender fingers drum up and down my legs, with a groan I can't help but giggle.

"Go back to bed," Stefan says.

Rolling my eyes I lean to peck his forehead. "I can't I got to go back to my room before your mother flips."

I take his shirt, which was slightly dangling from his drawer, slipped it on quickly, and quickly snuck out of his room, "Ava?"

In mid creep, I freeze, adrenaline pumping through me, sweaty palms aris,e.

"Yes, Mr....oh Ashton it's you." I slowly turn to find out it was only Ashton, Stefan's brother older brother at that. Both, aren't on good terms, I take partial responsibility for this. Partly because Nicole was dating him, Ashton, he fell in love with my interpretation of her.

I broke his heart, I'd say I ditched a zero for a hero. That and Stefan's my baby's dad so why not? I've always loved him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked crossing my arms.

 "You don't get to ask me any questions," Ashton said.

Blankly, he stares at the wall behind me as if he was immune to anything, feelings I mean. All I do is chuckle, Ashton thinks he can beat me at my own game but he can't. I've been doing this for a long time.
"Okay, have fun being lonely," I remarked. 

"Oh I'm not, but you are." As we cross, we bump into each other. 

"Oops." I enter my room and close the door slowly, watchfully observing Ashton who enters his father's study.

"What do you want?" Annoyed I plop my ass down, rest my chin into my hand and cross my legs. "I just wanted to clarify our agreement," Chanel says with a sincerely fake smile. 

"Yea and when are you going to own up to yours. You still have my files." 

That smug look soon fades, "why do you want to get that file back so much, you haven't done anything that I can hold against you have you?"

 I laugh, "there's nothing that you haven't learned so far."

Chanel sighs, "okay, here." Chanel slides my vanilla folder towards me.

 " I can burn it."

She nods, "so tell me when are you ever gonna get tired of being Nicole she's lame."

"I'm not! And I'm better than her."

"Ha! Could've fooled me." Chanel slides out of her seat, standing firmly with confidence as always.

God she's annoying, she thinks she's so perfect, I mean look at her, not literally, only I can you, whoever reading this can imagine this.

She walks as if she's strutting and trying to hide whatever has stuck up her butthole. I can't believe Nicole let her push her around. She's weak, that or she's just afraid of how narcotic I am. That and I'm class A crazy. But who knew my sister was as crazy as me.

"Excuse me ma'am are you going to order anything?" 

Shaking my head I get up and leave.

 "Bitch." She mumbles.

Ashton sits in his office running through papers. "Come on where are you?" He mumbles to himself before coming across the newly updated file. He takes out a piece of paper, a photo. "You went to New York, why?"

As he post's the picture onto the wall, he quickly hides his obsession as the creeping sound of his door opens.


"Ashton...what are you doing?" Awkwardly Ashton begins to raise his arms in a jumping jack position. 

"I'm about to do jumping jacks."

Sam nods, "okay, and I find it strange that your parents have let the girl who actually tried to kill your brother in their house." 

Ashton shrugs, "I don't live with them nor do I care what they do."

"What happened to the man who wanted vengeance, well at least you've gotten over it." His boss says before walking away.

Ashton exits his office, bag dangling from his shoulder and keys in the other. It's raining outside, not too hard and not softly enough for anyone to sleep. As Ashton saunters forward, he takes a pause, gazing upon me with wide eyes. Hair dangled in my face, wet, shivering I utter words that seemed to be coming out in gibberish. Tears in my eyes I collapse onto the ground.

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