Chapter 30: The Devil In Disguise

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Climbing out of the shower I bob my head to God is a woman, walking out of the bathroom I make my way down the hall singing loudly, but not too loud where I'm being noxious. I drop my towel as I enter the guest room of his apartment.
"Hey, Nicole can you."- He pauses as I turn to him.
I shrug, "you don't mind do you?" He shakes his head.
I saunter my way over towards him. "You were saying?" I asked crossing my arms. "Okay missy, put on some clothes." I rolled my eyes before he turned around. "You don't own me," I said. "But you are living with me so."-

"So but you like it." I chuckled, "So...that's beside the point get dressed so you're not late for school." I rolled my eyes. "I'm giving you chances and you're just dodging them." I said, "I'm trying to be respectful, not a rebound." I gasp, "Hey, no judgment." He smirks as he turns to me putting on my shirt. "Yeah, you're right because you were mines." I laughed, "Right, I was a good one right?" Biting his lip he runs his fingers through his hair. "Nope." I shrugged, "At least I and your friend have an understanding then." I said pointing out his boner. "Just hurry up." He said before exiting the room.

When arriving at school I noticed police cars and station vans lined up, "I wonder what happened." Derek says. "Chanel finally lost her mind." I joked. "Alright, get out before I'm late to class." He said opening my car door. "Okay bye." I hopped out and walked towards the stairs. "You weren't kidding when you said you were moving on," Chanel said. "Derek and I are just friends. He still likes you." I said. "Yeah, do you know why we have."- Chanel pauses as she notices Marshall coming this way.

"I've been waiting to do this."- Marshall says. "Um Marshall, wrong twin." I direct my eyes towards the woman who destroyed me. She smiles at me. "Chanel, won't you be a dear and fetch me, Ava." She said and I watched her walk away. Eyeing me I look away. "Look at you all grown up." She says running her fingers through my hair. "I'm so proud of you." She said. "You poisoned me," I said. "Uh, Marshall go do what the city pays you for." She nods before walking off. "Oh be quiet, I was helping you." She said. "By isolating me and watching as I was losing my mind? I could've died." She nods, "I admit, my method was a bit unethical but look at you, standing up to your sister." I rolled my eyes. "I wouldn't say that," I said. "Anyways, where were you after you burned my house down?"

"Oh, wouldn't you like to know." Aggressively she grabs my chin and directs my face towards her. "I am your mother and you."-

"My mother died, along with my dad and your secrets. But if you want to know where I was, well I was."-

"Nicole." I stepped back and walked towards Lance. "Who was that?" He asked. "My devil of a mother," I said. "Oh, cool...well your sister's being arrested. She apparently killed my sister." I looked away. "What's that face?" He asked. "Nothing." I said, "you knew didn't you?" I turn to him. "Wow, so you were willing to lie for someone who tried to kill you?"

"She's family." I smiled as if I actually meant that. If only they knew What I knew and why I'm now me. "I have a plan." He frowns, "I'm sure you do." He says. "I'm not the enemy here."

"But yet you help them." I rolled my eyes. "Hey! I don't help them do anything." I said. "But you didn't help take them down." He snapped. "I'm sorry she's dead but blaming me won't bring her back." Bumping into my shoulder he walks away.

My eyes catch a shadow and I look around before walking towards it. "So, you're on my side?" Chanel asks. "Always was I was just getting paid not to."

"Ava please just go gently," Stefan said. "No! I did not."- she pauses as she catches her mother's eye. "You sold me out? You're own daughter!" She yelled. "Who killed someone, you aren't in your right mind. We need to stop you while you're at this."

"Ashton said he was."-

"I fired Ashton his work ethic was um what do you say unethical. So no more protection for you." She snarled. "You always favored Nicole! She killed...she made me do it." Ava says. "You can't play the blame game anymore Ava, I know take her away. And heavily guard her, she's dangerous." Marshall nods before walking off.

"Nicole?" I turn to Stefan. "Who was that?" I shrugged, "someone lost." He nods. "Ava got arrested." I sighed. "You don't care do you?" I shake my head. "I would if she didn't deserve it, but she does." He smirks, "I knew there was something different about you, that innocent act is played out. What's really going on in that head of yours?" I smiled, "wouldn't you like to know?" He nods, "yes I would." Stepping up to him I gently rest my hand on his chest and look him in the eye. "To destroy everyone's happiness and you're next," I whispered. "I'm not fixed and I like it." Patting his chest I walk away.

Ava stares blankly at the steel wall of the vehicle. "I'm so glad we caught you. Now you're going to be locked up for good." Ava slowly turns her head towards her and maliciously smiles. "You better be lucky I'm in these chains." Ava snarled. "Ooh, I'm so scared." Avan lunges at her, only to be pulled back. "Fuck!" She screams as Marshall tazes her with her gun. Marshall falls to her knees as the van tilts. Marshall bangs on the wall, "What's going on up there?" She yells right before screaming. Ava laughs as she watches her body tumble and the van stops. Ava covers her eyes as light dimes in on her eyes. "You." She smiles.

"Put your hands up, you are interfering with police business." The voice cackles, "Do you really think I give a damn?" The voice asked. "On the other hand I would gladly love to go to jail," Ava said. "That's it." Marshall reaches for her gun only to be shot in the head. "Shit! That got on me...eww. Ethan!" He laughs she squirms as he sets her free. "Thanks but I'm not going back with you." She reluctantly said. "Yeah, darlin' you still owe me." Kicking him in the face she shoves him down and takes off. She stops as a female figure stands in her grace. "You brought that bitch?" Ava scowled before throwing her fist the girl catches her fist. "Hi, Avie." She said right before Ava swept her off her feet. "Classic." He said. "Of course I learned it from you." She said. "But not everything." He says. "Huh?" The girl jabs Ava with a needle and both watch as she collapes onto the ground.

"Well, I got you what you asked for," I said and he nods. "Now tell me where my father is." I said. "Okay."

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