Chapter 38: Goddess

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Ava's POV,

Dear to whomever reading,

For many years I've tried to hide who I really was and wanted to be. Now, look where it's gotten me. Half a foot in the grave. I didn't think my sister had it in her. I'm as shocked as all of you. But she played into Chanel's hand. She knew with me gone she'd get the chance at taking her rightful place. She's never really been on the bottom, maybe in the middle but not better than me of course.

But still I didn't deserve this, I'm the victim here, sure I'm a bad person but did I ever try to hurt her? Hurting family is a no, no with me. Anyways I think I should tell you what happened as I was wrongfully accused of being someone. He probably knew it wasn't me and still wanted to shoot me or he really didn't like Nicole.

After turning away from Jenna I gaze from afar at my darling sister who always has to show up me. She knows that urks my nerve. Poor Ethan falling for a girl who's using him. She doesn't even realize who's she's becoming. Me of course, but maybe even worse. Turning my attention towards Stefan who looks at her like she's a damn snack I frown. She isn't...I forget we look identical sometimes so if I trash her looks I'm trashing me. "Jealous much?" Chanel asked as she stood right beside me.
"Never. She should be jealous, I stole her dress."
Chanel laughs, "You're even sadder than."-

"Are you on repeat mode? Because if I must be mistaken, you say the same old tiring threats and I'm starting to think those threats are you. Now what I mean by that is, you're sad, pathetic and just not good enough."

Eyeing me up and down she smirks, "Sure, but who's covered in champagne and dried tears?" Looking away she smiles. "Exactly." Sauntering away from her negativity,  I stop and listen in on Ashton and Jenna's conversation.

"What do you mean you don't like Nicole? Nicole's nice." Jenna laughs, "Not tonight, she even said she wanted to break us up, that's not exactly what she said but she might as well have." She says. "Look, Nicole is over me she was probably upset that I'm leaving her here with her sister and Chanel. Trust me I am the last person she wants." Ashton exclaims. "Ash, do you honestly believe that?" With a shrug, Jenna then throws her hands up in defeat. "I'm leaving! Come find me when your head is out of your ass." She snaps before storming off. Ashton tilts his head towards the side. "You can come out now." He said and I slowly walk forward.

"Sorry, is everything okay?" I asked. "It's fine, she's just...Jealous." He says. "She should be." I joked but he didn't laugh. "What does that supposed to mean?" He asked. "Nothing," I said. Letting out a grunt he smirks, "Of course, only Ava would say something so bold." He said. "You caught me," I said. "Why would you pretend to be Nicole?" I shrug. "You do know! You were scared that She was getting."-

"Now I wish everyone would quit saying that! I am not scared of her!" I yell.

"Then what is it? Jealously?" He asked. "No," I said fighting back the tears peering from my eyes."Then what was it?" He demands me to speak. "I want to be loved that's what!" I yelled. Wiping his face he sighs, "Ava I tried to give you that. I didn't ditch Nicole because I wanted to for spiteful reasons, I did it because I knew when she came back that there was already someone here that was going to love her. I wanted you to feel loved so that your blindness for revenge would mend but it ruined that so I gave up." I step back as he tries to touch me. "People who love each other never give up on each and if that's what you did to my sister then I don't want it. I am cruel but I don't want to be treated as a charity case. So fuck you." I said before throwing my fist at him.

"Ava." He breathes. "What!" I yell. "You're crying, I-I didn't think you could ever feel anything." I roll my eyes before walking off and he follows. "Ethan wait!" I enter the ballroom. "You!" Lance yells from across the room. "Me?" I asked. "'re the reason why my sister is dead!" He yells at me, right before he pulls out a gun and aims it at me. "Whoa, calm down...Lance, we can talk this over." Ashton said. "Shut up! You're just saying that because you're too busy trying to fuck her! All we ever do is protect her, but today is the day that all ends."

Palms sweaty, hands shaking I breathe deeply. "Okay, I get it. I hurt you and allowing Ava by killing her but I didn't mean for this to happen I wasn't in my right mind." I said trying to plead with him. "Lair!" Jumping inside I look around. "Fine, then shoot me."

"What No!" Lance questionable looks at me. "Shoot me! Come on I deserve it." I said spreading out my arms. Stefan runs through the crowd tackling Lance, only to cause Lance to pull the trigger. Claire screams as the shot pierces my ears along with my abdomen and my guilt. This how it ends. Falling, what seemed like slow motion Ashton catches my fall. "Why in the hell would you do that?" He breathes. I slowly rest My hand onto his cheek before laughing, "I'm Ava Reily, insane, a bitch, a sister and I deserved this." I said gasping for air. I turn my head towards her, she finally beat me, I'm proud of her. "I told you, even when I lose I win." Slowly I close my eyes.

"So wait I thought you said you died?" I turn my head towards my inmate. "I did."

"Don't you hate your sister for setting you up?" I laughed. "Am I dead?" I asked. "No...but."-

"Well Vicky, let's just say I don't go so gentle into that good night." I turn my head towards the guard. "You have a visitor." I jump up and clap. "Finally who?"

"It's a surprise." She says. "Ooh, I love surprises," I said gleefully as I skip down the hall. I stop in mid-skip as I gaze upon my sister. "Hello, deary." I said before sitting down. "What do I owe the pleasure?" I asked setting my elbow down and resting my chin on my palm. "I have a job for you." I smile. "Killing a friend? Oh no! Twin magic. Come on tell me you, goddess."

"Our entire lives were a lie...there was another one just like us."

"Ooh, so we have a sister? What's her name?"

"Her name is Paige."

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