Chapter 5: The Outcome

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Soon Ashton came back he set my food down in front of me and flashes a quick smile. "Thank you so much," I said and he nods. "Did you know they have people constantly coming in here to check on me?"

"Well, you did try to kill yourself."

"I know that trust me I learned my lesson...I'm perfectly fine." I confidently said.

 "I told them to."

"Were you worried about me?" I flirtatiously asked. 

"I worry about everyone, but I need you to be alive so that I can solve this murder." He sets down my diary on the nearby table. 

"Well now you've done your job, I've given you information from my can go."

"Nicole I didn't mean it like that," Ashton says considering how his words affected me. 

"But you did, so don't go trying to save yourself now. Oh and another thing, don't ever tell me something you may think I want to hear, because you don't know me." I spat turning away from him. 

"Okay, I'm sorry."

"You still here? Go!" I yelled at him. 

"Fine, okay." He says calmly I turn to watch him leave.

 "Detective Cage?" Chanel asked while smiling so brightly. 

"What are you doing here?" Ashton asks.

 "I should be asking you the same thing, unprofessional much but I'm here to visit since her birthday is tomorrow," Chanel said crossing her arms. 

"Oh well, I was just gathering more information." Chanel nods, "Well okay bye." Chanel enters the room, "Knock Knock, your favorite cousin is here." 

I roll my eyes as she knocked on my door. "Hi, Chanel," I said frankly annoyed by her visiting me. "How are you feeling?" She asked as if she cared.

 I shrug, "fine I guess." No thanks to you. "That's great." She smiled.

 "Why are you here?"

"I don't think you did your job right."  She said referring to my attempt at suicide. "I think you."-

With anger spurring inside me I speak, "you know what? Fuck it." I grabbed my diary and smacked her in the face with it before her hands like wildfire covers my neck and she presses down hard, which pushes me down onto the bed. I began to scream loudly, drawing attention to the nurses standing by

. "Keep your mouth shut!" She steps back before anyone could touch her. "I didn't do anything!" She yelled. "I didn't do anything!" 

That second time she directed that to me. I waved as the nurses escorted her away. My doctor decided to let me go home and boy was I happy. My parents were out on a business trip, leaving me here alone such good parents they are, am I right?

11:00 am,

"Cage? I wasn't expecting you here until do realize you are on vacation." His boss says.

 "I know I was just picking up my work."

 His boss shakes his head, "leave it to you to take your work home." 

Ashton laughs, "Well you know me I won't rest until I find my brother's killer." Ashton says.

 "Hey, how's his friend holding up I heard she tried to kill herself."

Ashton nods, "She's fine...I'm the one who actually found her." Ashton says. 

"Oh, I can't imagine how that was for you." His boss says. 

"Yeah, well I'll see you Thursday."

I sat in Mr. James, my principal's office hands intertwined awaiting his speech. "Hello Nicole, how are you?" He asked sitting down and acting as if he gave a damn about me. "I'm better I suppose," I said. "Okay, well I'm just going to take a few moments of your time." I nodded. "After hearing about your apparent suicide I decided on creating a talk group with your guidance consular to help you and the rest of them."-

"Oh, you mean like me and Stefan? Stefan was picked on but he was not suicidal, he would never kill himself. And I'm pretty sure you are just creating this now because one of your students which is me almost died so that you can look like the good guy! Where were you when Chanel was torturing me or when Derek was beating the living shit out of Stefan? Nowhere! But we are to blame. I don't think so! I didn't try to kill myself for anyone I did it for me so I didn't have to suffer anymore...I wanted a way out and that was the only way I could think of at that moment. I'm sorry that I and the rest of these 'troubled' teens don't matter to you but we all do, we matter. Oh, and if you want to be the good guy I suggest you don't use me for your pathetic excuse of changing this school because I refuse to be someone else's charity case! Can I go now?"

 Mr. James nods, I stand dramatically before storming out of his office.

 "There she is."

 I furrow my eyebrows at the sound of Mr. Cage's voice. "What do you want?" I asked crossing my arms. He follows me out of the office, "I did get you out of school for today." He says. 

"I would rather be here than with someone who pretends to care about me." I spat harshly at him. 

"Nicole, I am sorry, I got you something." 

I stopped in the middle of my tracks and turned to him. "And what is it?" I asked curious to know. "If you forgive me." He said crossing his arms. 

"Did you read that part in my diary where I won't hold grudges if someone buys me something?" His eyes wander off suspiciously. I gasp before punching his arm with my fist. 

"Hey, I can unexcuse you." He said.

 I smiled, "okay so where are we going?" I asked pushing the exit door open.

 "By the way, my principal tried to make me one of his charity cases by trying to put me in a talk group that helps troubled teens."

"That's a bad thing?"

"Yes, it was basically making a mockery at us outcasts who literally cried out to him for help and he hasn't  tried to do anything up until now."

"Well are you an outcast anymore?"

"Don't worry about where's your car?" I asked. He pointed over to a black Range Rover.

 "Where?" I asked jokingly with a chuckle.

 "Are you serious?" He asked.

"No, I'm just surprised by your sudden upgrade," I said. "I got a raise, now let's go."

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