Chapter 14: What's New Nicole

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"Ava, you awake?"

 I frowned, "My name isn't Ava!" My voice cracked I screamed as I noticed I was in a room surrounded by darkness and only with a little bit of light. As I moved around I noticed I was chained in shackles. "Where am I?" I asked looking around.

 "Where you've always belonged." She said calmly. "No, no, no. I don't belong here! I can prove it!" She gets up and saunters towards the door. 

"Please don't leave me in here!" I yelled on the verge of tears. She turned to me, "Sorry Ava." I watched as she closed the door.

 "I'm not supposed to be here," I uttered.

As Derek arrived outside of town,

Derek- What now?

Stefan- It's me

Derek- Me who?

Stefan- Stefan

Derek slams his foot on his breaks.

Derek- You're alive?

Stefan- Yes, now where's Nicole?

Derek- I left her at home

Stefan- Now why the hell would you do that?

Derek- This strange lady told me to, she kind of threatened me

Stefan- Who?

Derek- I-I don't know

Stefan- Well, if she's home then I guess it's all good

Derek- Yeah but how are you alive


Derek- Damn he hung up

Ava's POV,

I sat in Ashton's living room reading a newspaper. 

"Since when do you read newspapers?" Ashton asked setting down a cup of coffee down on his coffee table. 

"Since now," I said frankly annoyed.

 "Why so snappy?" He asked. God, I don't know how Nicole put up with him?

 "Maybe it's that time of the month." I sarcastically said.

 "Hey, how's Chanel doing?" He asked as if I gave a damn about her. "I'm pretty sure she's fine," I said. He nods before sitting down beside me. 

"Why aren't you visiting her?" He asked.

 "Why do you keep asking me questions? When we could be doing something else." I said. "Nicole." He said as his hands gripped my hips as I plastered a kiss on his lips.

"Shh," I said before sitting on his lap. "Mmm Nicole." He said in satisfaction and pulled me in close. 

"What's with the new attitude?"

 He asked and I shrugged, "I like it." He said laying me down.

Ashton's POV,

I slowly got up as I saw her body completely still and she was fast asleep. Once I made my way out of my apartment and walked down the hall. 

"Okay, what are you doing here? You know this is risky." I said crossing my arms. "Is Nicole with you?" He asked.

 "Yeah, she's sleep, why?" Stefan sighs looking off to the side. 

"You know when I said I was scared of her. I wasn't talking about Chanel I was talking about Nicole's twin Ava." His eyes burned with fear. 

"Why, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't kill you," I said trying to calm him down. "You don't know her like I do Ava's been planning this for a long time," Stefan exclaimed. I laughed. "Yeah sure," I said calling his bluff.

 "J-Just keep an eye on her," Stefan said. "I am," I said. 

"No, maybe I should talk to her again." I stopped him. 

"She's way better off without you," I said.

"So you fall in love with her and you all of a sudden know what's best for her?" Stefan angrily says.

 "No, I was just saying that."-

"You don't think I feel guilty for all of this? I'm dead! I'm always running and the worst part is I have to constantly watch my back! I've hurt a lot of people and the only thing that's saving my sanity is Chanel!" He yells.

 "Oh, why don't you go to her then huh? But leave Nicole alone before you break her heart again." He nods regretting his words.

 "I will and I."-

"Just go!" I yelled shoving him away.

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