Chapter 44: Retrograde

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"Are you okay?" Ethan asks resting a hand upon my shoulders. I glare down at Derek's sleeping body. "No, she could've killed him. And she didn't even care. Her hatred for me is so blinding she'd do anything to tear me down." I said. I kiss Derek's cheek. "What are you planning?"

I heavily sigh, "to do what I do best, play innocent." I said. "Ah, I've taught you well." I wink, "alright time to bump into my sister."

"Ava doesn't do hospitals." I frown, "oh Paige." I walk out of the room and stumble upon her. "She comes here every day to visit her aunt."

"How do you know that?" He pulls me aside. "Nicole, stop right there you sound exactly like Ava right before she entered your life." I roll my eyes. "I'm different," I said. "No, you're not." I push him off me. "Right okay."

As I was about to approach her, Ashton's tall self steps in front of me. With a heavy sigh, I turn to Ethan. Ethan nods at Ashton before walking off. "I don't need a babysitter." He smiles, "good then we can go home so you can have your send-off party." He said. "I hate you," I said pouting.

"Love you too," Ashton says. "He called you out of everyone," I said with a sly grin. "That's because we had a deal." I nod, "or you just don't want me to go see Stefan." I said. "Wow, don't change the subject, let's go." He said. "You can't make me."

"Nicole?" Paige says approaching me. "Hi," I said. "How are you?" She asked. "Fine, and you?"

"Living, hi, I'm Paige." She says holding out her hand to him. "Ashton." He said right before shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you." I smiled. "I thought you were leaving."

"Oh I was and then my friend got hurt." She nods, "Oh well I'm sorry to hear that I hope he recovers." She says sincerely. "Thank you, why are you here?" I asked. "My aunt, she's sick...I come to visit her every day." I looked away. "Must be have an aunt...and a family," I mumble. "Huh?" I shake my head. "Sorry, I'll keep your aunt in my prayers." Ashton nods, "Well Nicole we got to go."

I roll my eyes, "So this is your boyfriend?" I shake my head. "He's too old for me and my sister's sloppy seconds." She chuckles, "Well alright anyways I'll see you around." I nod, "or you can come to my going away party." Ashton shakes his head. "I'll see what I can do."

"It's downtown at the Ginda." Ashton usher's me away. "Ugh, I'm fine." He sighs. "Are you?" I shrug. "Yes." He squints his eyes at me. "Alright." He knows I'm not but he lets me be, he's learning. "Thank you." I mumble, "that's what I'm here for." He said before walking off.

I spent the last two hours preparing myself for the party and I couldn't even get myself to come out of my room. "You okay?" Taking my attention away from the window I turn to Stefan. "Yeah, I'm fine." He sits down near me and smiles. "We need to talk." He says. I nodded slowly. "Yeah, we do." A heavy sigh escapes from his mouth. He turns away from me. "I talked to Derek before he went into a coma."

"Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault." Nodding slowly I cup his chin and direct his attention towards me. "Stefan I love you, know that right?" He nods. "And I love you." His smile makes me smile. It had to be some contagious thing with him, whenever I would try to move on from him I would come right back like a lost puppy. I'd settle myself for him, just waiting for him to finally come to his senses and choose me, but he never really did...he just hid from me. "Do you really?" I questioned. "W-Why would you ask that? Of course." I chuckled, "Was that before or after I got with your brother?" Stefan heavily scoffs before standing and walking away from me. "What did he tell you?"

"Nothing, I just want to know if this is real and I'm not crazy."
"There you go always listening to what other people tell you." I stand up, "no, I don't...the thought has always crossed my mind. I mean you faked your own death." I said rubbing my arm. "To protect you!" He yells. "From what? Or who yourself? And please don't use Chanel or Ava as an excuse because I'm sick and tired of hearing about them." A lump of aggression forms in the back of my throat. "Fine! Yes, it was for my own motives because I needed to get away."

"From your responsibilities?" I asked while sauntering towards him. He sorrowfully chuckled, "you know me so well." I shrugged, "it's a curse really." I joked and he lets out a weak laugh. "So why did you run away?" I asked. "I know it sounds so cowardness and pathetic I ran away because being a father scares me...and I didn't want anyone...not even you finding that out."

"I wouldn't have seen you differently," I said. "But yet you do. You hate me, my brother is jealous...I can tell and I let you down. I wasn't there when you needed me and I'm sorry. I really am but I wasn't lying when I told you that I loved you." For a moment of silence I stared deeply into his eyes there was something different about him, I knew he wasn't lying. I would know because well, he's Stefan he's an ass who took too long to realize I was what he wanted.  "You probably don't believe me." I cross my arms. "Come on please say something." He says stepping forward leaving no space between us. With a malicious grin, he looks down. "Three words, eight letters, I will only say it when I feel as though you've earned it." He nods. "I respect that." Cupping his chin I pressed my lips up against his slowly taking him all in. Ripping open his buttoned shirt he grunts. "Slow down." He breaths while letting out a cheerful chuckle. "I've waited since freshman year to this I'm not waiting any longer." He gasps as he picks me up and my legs wrap around his waist. "Did you just claim me?" He asks tucking my bang behind my ear. "Yea."

"Bold, not that I'm complaining." I peck his lips "good, now put me down."

"No, I'm not letting you get away from me again." He says before laying me down. "But my party." I pouted. "Can wait." I laughed.

Ava's POV,

"Thanks for coming with me." I said. "Wouldn't want to miss this." I roll my eyes. "Seriously, thank you and for being there for my sister." He nods. I breathe. "You're welcome." A huge smile appears upon my face as the door opens ajar. "Bonnie." 

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