Chapter 8: Everyone's Watching

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"Nicole," Ashton calls out to me as he turns to face me. "Yes?" I asked. "You've been quiet for a while, is everything okay?" He asked concerned.
"Yea, except for the fact that my friend would actually think I'm a slut," I said sullenly.
"She'll get over it. And I know for a fact that you are not a slut, you're."-

"Don't finish that sentence," I said giving him the death glare. "I'm just saying that."-

"Stop! You sound like my dad." I said.
Ashton laughs, "Sorry, I'm just saying that if it does happen that it is okay to feel weird... but for me it was amazing."

I roll my eyes as he gloats about his first time. I'm probably upset because I want to be more than this weird thing we've established.
"Was she a blonde?" I said trying to cover up the fact that I care.

I laughed, "that's nice." Damn, I gave it away. "Yea, I bet you can't wait with your teenage hormones." I roll my eyes, "Go, stop!" I said laughing.

"Yeah okay I'm done, wait I forgot to ask, am I good kisser." I hide my blush so quickly I almost slid out of my seat. "Maybe," I said with a shrug. "Wow, it's like that?" I chuckled, "Alright fine you are." I said reluctantly. "Wow even when you're being cold-hearted you care." He said. "Of course, it's in my nature to."

"Oh, we know."

"Who is we?"

"Grammer Nikki." He laughed. "Whatever...oh look my parents are home," I said as he puts his car in park.
"I guess I'll see you later?" I asked.
He smirks, "Yeah." As I turn to open the door Ashton quickly turns me around and kisses me, so tenderly that the butterflies in my stomach made me think that the world had stopped for that one moment.


November 10,

"Prom tickets, are for sale, get them now!" Our student body president announced. "Are you going?" She asked.
"I highly doubt it," I said before walking off. As I walk towards his car he grins, "Why aren't you going to prom?"
I shrugged, "Because I hate prom and people." I said.

"So, prom was fun when I went I got...god I'm old." He said.

"You're not that old, you're twenty-two not that far from me."
He pulls me in, "And this is why I pick you up from school."
I laughed, "I knew you liked me, by the way, happy birthday," I said pulling out a box. "What's this?"

"Payback gift," I said.
"You didn't have to." He said.
"But I wanted to."
He opens it, "Sunglasses?" He questions cocking an eyebrow at me questionably, he laughs.

"Yeah, now you're a classic tv detective."
He wraps his arm around me, "So about prom though."
I roll my eyes, "I'm not going." I said.

"Why not?"

"I don't know I don't have a date and the date I want can't even go."

He sighs, "That's too bad, I'm sure he would love to take you." I nodded, "I bet."

"But you are going to prom." He said and I give him a sad face.

"You are going, you'll thank me later."
His phone buzzes, "It's work." He said before kissing my cheek and walking away.

"You guys are so cute. It's a shame you can't be with him. I saw his partner the other day and man was she hotter than you." Chanel said coming out from nowhere.

"Can you not?"

"And when I say hot I mean even I want to fuck her, hot."

I rolled my eyes at her remarks. Though they did somewhat get to me I at least save my face.

"And you...well you, he only likes you because your young vulnerable and easy. And I don't see why he bothers with you, you're basic but then in a way that's good because he wouldn't have to worry about anyone stealing you away from him."

Before I could say anything she covers my mouth.
"Face it, your a loser with no friends, no life and sooner or later he is going to see that and drop you." She said moving her hand away from my mouth.

"Sure he is, he actually likes me," I said in denial.

"Sure he does. Now let me give you some advice, just because we're family. Just because your life seems a little better now doesn't mean anything, everyone including yourself has a secret." She said.

"Including Mr. Michotty over there. But hey, that's none of my business." She said before walking off. Ashton turned around to see that I wasn't there anymore.

Hey, something's come up...So I won't be able to hang out with you anymore.


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