Chapter 39: I'm No One

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"Ha, so you admit you need me," Ava says. "No, I just thought I should tell you and how should I approach this situation." She begins to laugh, "Nikki, I already knew about her, it's you who I wanted to meet." Leaning forward she clenches her jaw, "How much are they giving you?" I asked. Ava leans back in her chair and crosses her arms. "Not enough, apparently." I shake my head. "I'm sorry I had to do that to you." With a chuckle, she opens her mouth, "No you're not I deserved it and you actually saved me from myself." I nod, "and how exactly did I do that?' I asked. "Well for starters you got me to feel again and realize I actually can be loved." She exclaimed. "Right...Ashton?" She claps her hands. "Yes, see I know he's an asshole but if I could."-

"Out of discussion. We are done with the Cage boys." I said. "What so Ethan shows you one ounce of affection and you forget the boy who."-

"Lied to me? I'd rather fuck Derek again than to go back to him. And besides, I moved away with dad he's close to UCLA." She rolls her eyes at me, "What?" I asked. "You are living in a fantasy Nicole." She said. "Maybe I like it. It's better than what I had at Macforbwood." Rolling her eyes again she lets out a heavy sigh, "ugh get over yourself." She said. "Excuse me?" I asked. "Look don't get offended or anything but the reason why your life was so shitty was that."-

"Of you and Chanel and those Stupid Brothers."

"No, I was going to say you. I mean look at it in my eyes you allowed for this to happen I only came along because I wanted you to grow bigger skin and now look at you the head bitch in charge. I'm so proud of you. Now, as for the Cage boys I admit they were assholes but in the end, they would do anything for can't forget Ashton and how he was sweet to you before he met me and I ruined him. Stefan who literally was in love with you and I ruined your chances at that when I pretended to be you at the party. But if you need my help I'm always here to give advice or backup." She winks. "No killing!" I yell. "Fine, chill I was kidding." I raise an eyebrow at her. "Fine, I was kidding a bit, god I gotta have fun, I mean I am in an actual fucking madhouse with crazies...hey Jeff." Shaking my head I stand. " I will see you tomorrow." her face beams of red excitement. "Really, I knew you loved me. Mom sent me here and she doesn't even visit me."

"You're getting out of here." I said, "Really?" She asked. "Yeah, you just have to convince."-


I nod at our father before walking off. "Hi, Ava."

I walk out unto the sunny razes of sunshine, taking in on all the beams that shed light, "What a beautiful day." Turning my attention towards Ethan I frown, "are you stalking me?" I asked. "No, did you forget that I work with your father?" I cross my arms. "And what is it that you two do?" I question. "We make software." I nod as I walk towards him. "Interesting, how did you meet my dad?" I asked. "through Ava, the times when she wasn't in her nut house." I turn to my car. "I'm happy you won but stuck to your morals." I nodded, "Well I got to meet my dad, who loves me and I'm starting college next week far away from."-

"Stefan who happens to be in this town, are you going to visit him?" He asked. "That would make you happy?" I asked. "I know what I want I'm just asking you." Ethan said, "to be happy." I said. "Good, you're learning." He said proudly. "See you at 9:00?" He adds, "That's if I feel like it." I said before walking away.

I walk by my old school where everything all started, all I could think of was the times when everything was simple when I was a nobody and no one cared who I was. I turn my attention towards Lance who's picking up trash. To be honest I think he deserved more than just community service and anger management he deserved to be put in prison. He was willing to sell me out and I wasn't even that bad. I'd say I'm bad when I either ruin...oh my god I am bad. As I'm about to approach him I see Stefan. "Nicole?" Lance turns to me. Fuck I hate him. Running away they follow me. Backing me into a corner I smile, "you ruined my life."

"Nah, not really because you pulled the trigger you didn't have to," I said. "You sold your own sister out, I didn't think you'd stoop so low." With a chuckle, I nod, "So I'm the bad guy? I don't think so! I'm the hero of all your stories!" I said. "Oh don't"-

"Hush! I just came here to say I'm sorry and good-bye." I said. "Good, wait are you bluffing or are you serious?" Lance asked. "Cross my heart, why would I stay here if I'm declared dead," I said. "Ava isn't," Stefan says. "Oh, yea, who knew I could pass as her. Anyways I must be on my way." I said right before Stefan grabbed me. "Come back." He sighs. "I did, and now I'm leaving."

"No, I mean stay...Ashton isn't the same. He's lost."-

"He's not my problem," I said. "See I told you, Stefan, she didn't care. She's Ava maybe even worse." I roll my eyes. "Nicole, Ashton would never have."- Lance watches as my eyes twitch, "Oh shit." Lance says. "Oh really? Then where the fuck was he when I was losing my damn mind? He left me a long time ago and I don't want to go back." Stefan nods. "Right sorry. Maybe I guess, I was trying to keep you here all to myself." Letting out a gasp I turn around and walk off. "She still wants you," Lance says. "I know."

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