Chapter 15: New A Year a Killin

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Ava's POV,

January 15, 2016, was the date I stole from her diary just to help me stay in character. At least I did her a favor of getting her with Ashton. That and by killing the one person that was bringing her down. She was awfully annoying. Considering my sister was annoying as well. I smiled as my cousin took a seat across from me. She gave me that same old look she always has given Nicole, she thought she was so clever, so perfect. So untouchable, but boy was she in for a rude awaking. 

 "Hello Chanel, how's your back?"I asked just to get a rise out of her.

 Chanel grins, "Well wouldn't you like to know?"

 I smiled with a nod in a manner, like Nicole. "Well yeah, that's what I'm here for," I said wrapping both of my hands around my coffee cup. 

"Well if you must know it's fine."  Chanel shrugged as if she was brushing off the oddness of the meeting. I frankly didn't even know why she even bothered showing up. Sure, she wanted to save face, but it's already deteriorating at this moment. Nicole cracked her precious shell, way to go sissy. 

I shrugged my shoulders for comfort to relax my face from changing, from showing her my true face. "That's good, and really, I am sorry for stabbing you in the back." 

Chanel laughs, "You should be, I mean I do applaud you for the balls but you didn't get the job done sweetheart. I'm still standing."

"Oh, of course, you are," I said taking a sip of my coffee, I set my cup right back down at an acute angle.  I take the nearby napkin and gently and precisely wipe the wet layer of coffee from my face. 

"So anyway how are you? Since we've both are killers." She grinned raising her freckles along with it.

 "No, I'm sorry that's you."-

Three months ago,

I crept from behind aunt Diana. "

Nicole?" She asked panting for air. The smoke and fire from behind her began to rise and from smoke which clouded her vision. The heat hits my face, fanning at a steady rate. The heat, however, did not scare or even concern me it felt welcoming to me. It felt better to me than anything thing that was given to me.

"Wrong, I'm the other one," I said slowly wrapping my hand around her neck.  I was in control and no one was ever going to stop me. 

"Ava, but...I thought you were gone." She hesitated to say.

 "Nope, now I need you to do me a favor. I need you to call what's his face...Ashton, that's his name and tell him to bring Nicole home now."


"Hey, you okay?" Chanel asked as she noticed I had zoned out.

 "Yeah, of course, I am...Why wouldn't."- I paused as the fire that night ignited in me just flashed through my eyes as I gawked at the coffee cup.

"Oh yeah, that." I said with a heavy sigh, "This was nice, I'll see you at school." I said getting up to walk away. 

"I don't know what you've done with Nicole but just know to watch your back." Chanel snarled. "Is that a threat?" I question her as my eyes meet with hers in an intense staredown. 

"It's a promise." She said

"Then I guess you should say something. I mean you don't care, do you? But I know you do care about Derek. Where did he say he was going again?" I asked slowly but immediately turned around. 

"I mean all I have to do is say one word and he out of sight, out of mind."

 Chanel sighed holding back the tears in her eyes. "Fine I won't say anything, but this doesn't mean you win." She said swallowing her pride. 

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