Chapter 43: Losing My Mind

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Ava's POV,

"She flushed her pills down the toilet Nicole." Our father scolds her. "She's fine, its Ava she bounces back," Nicole says. "Now if she tries to kills you."-
"Dad, I know you're concerned and sure I have a motive to hurt my sister but I can't keep blaming her for my mistakes and problems," I said. "Well look at you being an angel." Ethan snarls. "Shouldn't you have been written off." Ethan frowns. "Enough! Ava, I'm glad you accept who you are but if you get out of line."-

"What you'll put me back just like mom does whenever she doesn't get her way?" I question. He looks away. "Wow, no wonder you two were a match made in heaven," I said sarcastically. "I'm going to ignore that and Nicole are you all packed?" Nicole nods. "Of course. And I'm ready to go." She said. "Congrats baby sis," I said. "Why didn't you,"-
"See I would've but I'm like nah college isn't for everyone." I nod.

"Exactly I feel like if you did maybe go into criminal justice." She suggests. "Why in the hell would I do that?" I asked crossing my arms. "Well for starters you're good at tracking people, getting them to admit things, a total badass and."-

"Oh stop, no keep going. Maybe college is for me." Nicole rolls her eyes. "We could be roommates." Nicole nods. "Are you sure? She probably still has killer instincts." My father shakes his head. "Oh come on that was funny," Ethan says. "Where are you going?" I asked Nicole, who's trying to wheedle her way out of the conversation. "Obviously to go see Stefan," Ethan says. "Jealous much? We all know."

"Know what?" Our father asked. "Nothing," Nicole said. "It better be nothing." He says. "Or what exactly You do realize I can do whatever I want." I lean back as Nicole got snappy with father. "Ooh." I gasped. "Can it Ava." I roll my eyes. "Sorry, I got to go." She says. "Something's wrong with her. Ava."-

"Uh let me cut you right there daddy, father, Oliver. You see I've been used a lot and specifically to protect and torture her. And I am done. I'm no one's lap dog anymore. So you go figure it out yourself." I snapped. "Okay, fine...I respect that. I'm in the picture now so I have to do what's right for you guys." I nod. "Oh wait I don't need you." He nods. "But yet you do. See this is why I see your mother in you, so strong rebellious but the truth is.."-

"I'm nothing like Claire." I spat. "You're better. But we all know that something's going on."-

"Call it freaky Friday only you two don't switch bodies...okay I'll shut up. Alright bye." Ethan says walking off. "Anyways, if you need me or just sit I'm here." He rests a hand on my shoulder before walking off.

Nicole POV,

"Well if it ain't Nicole Tyler," I smirk as I hear Derek's voice. "Derek Thayer. The boy who took my virginity and left me." He scoffs as he sits from beside me. "I am."-

"Don't worry about it, I was a rebound," I said. He laughs loudly as it echoes through the park. "What's funny?" I asked. "You."- I stand to leave but he grabs my hand, stopping me from leaving. "No, let me finish." He says and I sit right back down. "I cared about you so much I still do." He said. "Right, then why'd you get back with Chanel?" I questioned. "It was a poor decision I know and I regret it but you deserve to know why and the simple fact is that I knew that you would never pick me. It would always be Stefan." I shook my head. "That night you kicked me out, I was going to tell you that I loved you. Derek, I chose you but you let Chanel whisper in your ear and you ran back to her. So you are the one who would never choose me!" I yelled.

"She threatened you." My jaw drops as I am completely speechless. "And I would sacrifice myself and happiness to ensure yours." With heavy breaths, I begin to panic. "Nicole?" Derek drops my hand. "Why would no you."- I stand pacing back and forth. "I love you." I shake my head. "No, you don't. I don' just can't and if you loved me you would've fought for me."

"What like Stefan did? He ran away from you not to protect you but himself. I knew where he was the entire time and so did Chanel. All supposedly protecting him from your sister. But all she wanted was a family and he ran away but he didn't want you finding out." I cover my ears. "Stop," I said almost drowning with tears. Derek stands and creases my cheek. I jump as Derek collapses before my eyes. "Oops, hey cousin, oh you thought you got rid of me no. You haven't. Anyways, Derek is useless to me."-

"Nicole don't...listen."- Chanel kicks him. "Shut it."

"Don't listen to him, Jade."

"That is not my name," I said. "Okay then Nikki, I'm sorry but you either come with me or he dies." I look down at him. "Don't."- I step over him and towards her. "What do you want?" I asked and I watch a sinister smile forms at the corner of her mouth. I scream as Derek's mouth starts to sprout foam. She tosses a needle at me and starts screaming. "Help!" Gasping she knocks me down. "Help please!' A officer rushes to her aid. "She tried to kill my boyfriend." Shaking my head the officer grabs me aggressively picks me up and ushers me away.

Moments later, I'm in the station in a private room, where I couldn't be seen or heard. Handcuffed the table I direct my attention towards the door. "Hello, Claire," I said. I said rattling the cuffs. "Stop that." I shrug. "I can't believe you'd betray me," I said. "How could it be me?" I shrug, "Well I don't know because you're evil." She nods before sitting down across from me. "How's Derek?" I asked. "In a coma, for now." I heavily sigh, "Why are you doing this I did everything you asked of me." She nods, "You did and I appreciate that. But I'm teaching you something here, sure being good and nice, is nice but it is also a weakness and I admire your resilience really, I do." She says. "But whoever gotten far in life by just being nice?" She questions and I look away. "See you know I'm right now, my dear why don't you come along with me and I'll show you how to dominate."

With a sinister laugh, her eyes widen, "What's funny?" She asked. "You! You want to use me to get Ava back. That's who you care about because you think you can control her but you can't! She's better than you and me. She's strong and misunderstood but you created her that way and all she wanted to be was loved by you and you pushed her away! You were all she had and you betrayed her! But you will not do that me." I break out from the cuffs. "Where do you think you're going Nikk?" I walk towards her. "Call me that again or I'll make you regret it." She smiles.

"Or what you'll cry? Go ahead I won't judge." Raising my fist at her I pause as I hear footsteps. "Nicole out." I lower my fist and walk away. "Oh, Oliver you can't change what's in her DNA. We all know she was the crazy one." She winks.

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