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"Lisa pov"
'double update motherfuckers'

It was barely lunch time and I was already annoyed with everyone congratulating me and Jennie.

I walked toward the cafeteria to meet my friends but I heard Jennie calling me.

"Lisa" I heard Jennie called out,I walked up to her and her friends who were in a fit of giggles,I raised my eyebreos at her.

She stood up straight and lifted up her chin

"I'm just hungry,take me out to eat I don't wanna eat here" she said orderering me, no one orders lalisa manoban around.

"Who gives you the right___ I was cut off as she tugged on my arm pulling me towards the parking lot.why are we going out if we don't have a car?

She pulled me to the side of the building where there was no one except for some cars.

"I am so sorry, they ask me who is the top in our realtionship so I said it's me and they wanted me to prove it so I did" she said covering her face ashamed of herself,she's only like this to me not around other peoples. But seriously she wants to be the top one... well I don't mind if.....shut up lalisa.

I shook my head clearing my thoughts.

"Fine.... but we don't have a car to go out" I said leaning my back on the wall.

"I don't know,if we walk back in there they'll know I was lying and they'll start saying shit" she said looking at me with her sad eyes,I sighed why can't she be a normal girl for once.

"Wanna ditch?" I said noticing her sad expression.

"Where would we go?" She said giving me a small smile.

"Anywhere! there's a park around here or we could go to the gas station and have some food and then go the park "  I suggested ,her eyes lite up and she show me her million dollar gummy smile.aish

"Yes! I'm really hungry" she exclaimed


"So how did you know you were a lesbian?" She ask me,we were eating chips and candy at the park,we sat under a tree with cross legged facing eachother.

"Uhh I always like girls more than guys,I had my first kiss few years ago and that's when I knew" I said eating the chips.

"How many girls have you dated?" She ask me curiously.

"Three,I dated a girl rosé from my old school,then I dated a girl named mina also from my old school then I dated Nancy from this school" I said and she look a bit shock why not... they flirt around like infront of me everytime.

"Nancy's your ex?" She ask surprised.


"Hmm" she hummed laying down her back against the tree.

"What hmm?" I said sitting next to her eating Cheetos.

"Nothing" she replied

"Say it"  I demanded.

"I just thought you were into different types of girls"  she said,I turned to her confused.

"What kind of girls?" I ask.

"Others" she said not looking at me, I shake my head and ate some candy.

"What's wrong with Nancy? She's a cheerleader,she sings, she's shorter than me and I like short girls" I said....shit rosé was taller than me,I was about to tell her rosé was tall but she cut me off.

"I am short" she said proudly with a huge grin.

"Yes,but you're not into girls" I said and she pouted at me. We chuckled and both look up at the sky.

"How was your first kiss?" She ask bluntly.

"Cool.." I breathe out remembering old days with Rosé when she initiated our kiss at rooftop it was so romantic. I miss her at some point.

"Wait! you haven't had your first kiss yet?" I ask her smirking.

"Shut up" she said furrowing her eyebrows and closed her eyes.

"That's so cute" I giggled pinching her dumpling cheeks.

"Not it's embarassing, girls my age are all having babies and I can't even get someone to kiss me" she said and removed my hands pouting.

"Jen you have a school full of people that want to kiss you" I said stating the fact.

"I just don't want anybody to kiss me,I want someone that I do like" I said seriously emphasising the word.

"Okay then do you like any guys?" I ask

"Not really,some are cute know because I'm a 'lesbain' and I'm always with girls it kinda scares them away" she said and we both laughed out loud.

"So how do you know if you're straight if you haven't kiss a guy?" I ask.

"Well to be honest" she said and sighed loudly " I do think some girls are hot" she added not looking at me.

"So you do like girls huh" I said and nudged her side playfully.

"Uhh...I... you know umm I don't know" she said,I laid back on grass and ate Cheetos smiling to myself. This feels like a victory to me at some point. I have a chance?

"Don't worry you'll find out one day" I said grinning widely at her.

"Mmmh" she said and layed down next to me,we both look up... appreciating the beauty of sky. I want this moment to last forever.


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