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Rockstar Foxy: Yarrg! Me bird likes ya, so I'll do ye a favor.

Withered Chica: Ok, how about replacing it?

Rockstar Foxy [offended]: What? I can't do that! Why would ask me such a thing, lass?

Withered Chica: That thing keeps staring at my soul and it's creeping me out.

Rockstar Foxy: Soul? Hah!

Withered Chica: What's so funny?

Rockstar Foxy: I didn't think there was a soul in that broken duck costume of yers! Right Cotton?

Cotton: *stares intently at Withered Chica's soul*

Rockstar Foxy: See? Cotton agrees with me!

Withered Chica: For your information, I am a chicken!

Withered Chica: A very talented chicken who is the only one who bakes stuff for this diner, might I add!

Rockstar Foxy: Arr, Rockstar Chica makes better pizza than ya!

Withered Chica: Taco Supreme Pizza rarely counts.

Rockstar Foxy: How do you even make pizza? Ye got no hands! Just wires!

Withered Chica: Like I said, I'm a very talented chicken.

Rockstar Foxy [mumbles]: Or very foolish...

Withered Chica: What was that?

Rockstar Foxy [stammering]: Uh.. why ye so tall, lass?

Withered Chica: I don't know.

Withered Chica: Why are you so short?

Rockstar Foxy: What? Can't hear ye from down here!

Withered Chica [mumbles]: Stupid fox. *gets idea*

Withered Chica: Rockstar Foxy~! I got some treasure for you~!

Rockstar Foxy: Unhand that there treasure, matey!

Withered Chica: Sure!

Withered Chica: *headbutts Rock Foxy*

-Mike's Office-

Bonnie: Hey, why is there a little girl screaming?

Nightmare: That's not a girl...

Nightmare: That's Rockstar Foxy!

Bonnie [laughing]: LMAO!! 😂

Bonnie: #getrektbyWC2k18

Nightmare: Should we help him?

-From Tablet-

Rockstar Foxy: Friends! Mateys! Help! Crazy broken duck is after me!

-Mike's Office-

Bonnie: He can take care of himself.

An Animatronic's Guide to Annoying Your Friends and Making the Readers LaughWhere stories live. Discover now