Story Time

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Ariel: Hey, you guys wanna hear a story?

Erin: Story? STORY!!

woodcomics: Sure Ariel. What is it about?

Ariel: Well-

-Flashback to a Couple of Weeks Ago-

Ariel cleans up after everyone at 9 PM.

Marv [whispering]: Harry?

Harry [whispering, agitated]: What Marv?

Marv [whispering]: Can I get some pizza while we're here?

Harry [whispering, mad]: No Marv!

Ariel: Who are you?

Harry: Uh....

Marv: We're here to steal money from this pizzeria! And can we get some pizza?

Harry: Marv!

Marv: What?

Ariel: So... you're theives?

Marv: We're the Sticky Bandits!

Harry: Marv!

Ariel: Oh yea, I remember you. You tried to break into this kid's house and he ended up getting you in jail.

Harry: Th-that must be a different set of people!

Ariel: You also tried to rob a toy store in NYC.

Harry: Uh....

Ariel: So, I can only assume you guys are trying to do that to this place.

Marv: Yes!

Harry: Shut up Marv!

Ariel: Now, I would bash your head in with my shovel, but from what I've heard that kid already did a number on you, so consider yourself lucky.

Harry: Get out of our way so we can rob the manager already!

Ariel: You're lookin' right at her.

Harry: Oh... uh... I guess that explains why you're here this late...

Ariel: What gave it away?

Mike: Ariel! Who are these people?


Harry: Shut up Marv!

Harry: Hold on! Why are we just standing around talking?

Mike: I'd like to know that too.

Ariel: Because I started it.

Harry: Aren't you gonna call the police on us?

Ariel: Already did when you guys were being loud. You guys really are idiots.

Marv: So... no pizza?

Harry: No Marv! You don't get pizza!

Marv: Awww....

Harry: Ugh! Why did I decide to work with you?

Marv: I don't know.

Mike [to Ariel]: Who were they?

Ariel: Idiotic theives if I had to guess.

Police #1: Hold it criminal scum!

Harry: Who says that?

Police #3: Hands behind your head!

Ariel: Thank you officers.

Police #2: You're welcome ma'am. Hey, doesn't this place get a lot of crime?

Ariel: Yea... but I usually take care of it myself.

Police #2: Why contact us this time if you can handle it yourself.

Ariel: Eh, personal reasons.

Police #2: Well, hope you have a good night.

Ariel: Same to you.

Mike: Wow.. ok, I didn't realize you had called the police.

Ariel: Well I did, deal with it.

Mike: Ok...

-End of Flashback/Story-

Erin: Wow! Another one!

woodcomics: You had a break-in?

Ariel: Break-in attempt.

Mike: Hey, what's everyone talking about?

Ariel: The break-in attempt had a few weeks ago.

Mike: Oh yea. That was a weird expierence.

Ariel: Why?

Mike: Because it's the most "normal" thing that ever happens here!

Ariel: That's true.

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