Spongebob Relation

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woodcomics suggested I make this lovely chapter!


Foxy goes to the kitchen with a cash register.

Mike: Uh.... Foxy....?

Foxy: What?

Mike: What are you doing with a cash register?

Foxy: Nothing that concerns you, matey.

Mike: Ok.... matey?

Foxy: Hey! I'm the only who says matey! Uh... matey.


Foxy counts all the money in the kitchen for some idiotic reason.

Foxy: 20... 21.... 22... *penny falls in the drain*

Foxy: No!! Me life just went down the drain! *grabs penny, but gets his hand stuck*

Ariel and Mangle: FOXY!!!!

Foxy: Got it!! Oh wait...

Erin: Foxy! What happened?

Foxy: Can you go get Ariel, lass?

Erin: Why should I?

Foxy: Please! I-I'll give a penny!

Erin: A penny?

Foxy: 2 pennies?

Erin: Fine... ARIEL! OVER HERE!

Ariel [cocky]: Oh look what we have here... did someone get their hand stuck?

Foxy: Ariel, lass, please help me...

Mangle: What happened?

Foxy: A penny dropped down the drain and I went to get it.

Erin: Just drop it.

Foxy: I can think of 115 reason to never drop a penny, matey.

Ariel: Do you need help?

Foxy: Yes! Just pull me hand out!

Mangle, Erin, and Ariel try to pull Foxy's hand out.

Mike: Uh... do I need to ask?

Erin: It's not what it looks like Mike.

Mike: You.... are weird.

Mangle [mumbles]: Sick-minded freak.

Ariel: You know what? If you're not going to be helpful then just get out!

Mike walks away.

Foxy: Wait, matey! Come back!

Foxy: Why'd you do that?

Gets hand free with the penny.

Foxy: Yes! Victory! *drops penny in trashcan*

Foxy: Darn it!

Ariel: Keep searching all you want, you crazy fox. I'm putting this back where it belongs. *puts away cash register*


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