Mr. Hippo....

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Rockstar Bonnie [singing]: 🎶So good to see you again, my truest friend, but now your life must end.🎶

Ariel: You just called me your friend! Why do you want to kill me all of a sudden?

Toy Bonnie: Because you hit him with your shovel, perhaps?

Ariel: I did not!

Toy Bonnie: What about throwing him out the window?

Ariel: That wasn't me!

Toy Bonnie: You're the only one who wears purple suits!

Ariel: Wow... your sensors must be broken again.

Toy Bonnie: Why do you say that?

Ariel: Because you were describing Purple Guy.

Purple Guy: Somebody call for me-?

Purple Guy: Ahh! Ariel! I-I didn't see you, there.

Ariel: You threw Rockstar Bonnie out of the window?!

Purple Guy: No!

Ariel: I don't believe you.

Purple Guy: You never believe me.

Ariel: For good reason!

Purple Guy: And what's that?

Ariel: Purple Guy! You know what I mean! Now get out before I kick you out!

Purple Guy: No. I still have work to do.

Ariel: You mean crimes.

Purple Guy: Hey! I didn't mean to kill those poor, poor, kids.

Toy Bonnie: Right... *sense the sarcasm*

Mr. Hippo: Hey, let's lighten the mood with a story!

Ariel: No! Please no!

Purple Guy: I want to hear a story.

*Ariel's glare burns through Purple Guy's soul for all eternity*

Purple Guy: What?

Mr. Hippo:

I'm lazy, ok? But don't judge me! I know you're too lazy to even watch the video so don't even start to judge me!

Ariel: WHY?!?!?!??!?!??!?!

Purple Guy: You're one philosophical hippo.

Mr. Hippo: Why thank you.


I know this was a lame chapter, but I felt like writing one and I didn't really feel comedian-ly (yes, I made that up). So, there. Hope you all enjoyed anyways. Please remember to vote a comment, ty!

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