Warm Heart

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Chapter 1-

It was a decently cold day in Minecraftia. Scratch that. It was like the Nether had frozen over. Snow had even reached parts of the woods biome and that was a bad case. If it had gotten any colder, the people of Minecraftia might get frozen.

Luckily, their furnaces and fire places kept them and their families warm. Everyone was at peace. Hardly anyone was outside in villages and people huddled inside in the cities. Like I said, everyone was at peace. Well, almost everyone...

"RUN BIGGUMS!!" A voice shouted as the owner and his friend zoomed down the hallways. "Mitch, Jerome! Get back here!!" Ty shouted, taking after them like a bullet. He pulled out a bow and arrow, trying to get a good aim at them while running.

"I CALLED THAT LAST SOUP CUP!" He yelled after them. Every arrow had missed so far, whizzing pass the other boy's ears.

As they rushed down the halls of the Sky Army HQ, Dartron, who was humming happily to himself, had the misfortune of opening the door as they ran by.

Surprised by the flash of people in front of him, he fell backwards, landing and dropping all his paper work. They scattered across the floor. "Darn it! It's gonna take forever to organize this again!" He angrily stormed, watching as the chase continued. "Oh no you don't." He uttered.

Quickly, he scooped up a snow ball that had been sitting on his window sill and threw it at the closest person: Ty. He was about to turn the corner when he was hit from behind with a snow ball. He tripped onto his elbows.

Dartron marched up to him. "You are going to help me organize my work. I may be newer around here, but I am hard working." He ordered. "But the soup-!" Ty started as the other man yanked him back towards his office. "You can eat later." He uttered.

From another room, a quiet man watched as this all went down. When Dartron had dragged him back into his office, he got up from where he was and followed the path the two thieves had taken.


(In a broom closet)

"Ty will never find us in here." Jerome said as he closed the door as quietly as he could. "Yeah. And good thing he had already heated it up. Well, let's eat!" Mitch said as he reached to lift the paper off the soup cup to eat it. He sat in the middle of the floor.

He nearly drooled just smelling it. With all the new recruits around, it was hard to claim even a soup cup now. He seriously considered eating it all for himself. But Jerome had helped him take it and he was his friend, so he knew he had to share.

Just as Jerome sat down to join him, the door opened. Scared Ty had found them, they looked up with guilty faces. Jerome sighed in relief. "Oh, it's just Sub." He said.

Sub stood in front of them, not entering the closet. Mitch grinned at him. "Hey dood. Do ya mind scooting along? You might give away our hiding spot." He said. But Sub just looked at him, then down at the soup cup.

"What? You want some? Sorry dood but this was the last one. Maybe next time." Mitch said. Sub continued looking at him with a blank face (get it? Cause his character has no face? I'll shut up now...)It started to make them uneasy. Jerome whispered to him,"He doesn't talk. Just give him the soup Mitch."

"What?! After all we went through to get it?" Mitch exclaimed. "All we did was run. Besides, we can always get another next time. Give the new guy the soup. Be nice." Jerome said in a friendly tone, trying to persuade Mitch.

It didn't take much to do so and reluctantly, after a few glances at the warm, steaming soup in his hands, he handed it over.

Sub accepted it, nodded a good bye to each of them, and walked off, leaving them sitting in the broom closet with growling tummies. "I have a feeling Ty's gonna be protecting his food from now on." Mitch said, leaning back. "It's alright, we can just steal from Bashur." Jerome suggested.

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