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(A/N: Ahahahaha I realized I hadn't actually sat down to write the entire weekend since I had stuffs to do :P So smart me decided to start writing this during school this morning. Prob wasn't very smart actually but whatever!

If you're enjoying the story so far, gently tap the vote/ follow button. It's highly appreciated and it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside :3 have a nice week everyone!!)



"Ty was gone from the base for two days. In that time span, he could've easily went over to the squid base and made a plan." OkWard said.

"Or not go over at all and just call. Nobody would've caught him either way." Steve nervously followed.

"He's one of the very few people who can get away with it too." Kyle followed.

<Plus Tyler and Jason had absolutely no position to do so. They weren't going to be the next higher up should something happen to Sky like Ty is. There would've been no benefit for them.>

Wait, did he think I'd REALLY hurt Sky just to be leader?! I'm not that selfish of a person to do something so evil!

They've been arguing about this for a while now. Why do they have such a problem with trying to figure this out? I'm not a traitor!

"And, let's face it. Tyler doesn't have the brains to do so, nor does Jason have the guts." Dartron added. "Hey, I'm smart!" Tyler defended. Jason didn't answer.

"Hey, wait! You guys are getting too into IF Ty was a traitor! I don't think anyone is and this is a waste of time!" Sky said, standing up and doubling over in pain a second later.

"Sky! Don't get so worked up." I said, helping him sit back down. He was letting his emotions be his better judgement. "You don't have to be so worried. I didn't do anything so they don't have evidence against me."

<True, we don't have PHYSICAL evidence, but the fact remains the squids didn't want to hurt you. Why is that?>

"I told you:I DONT KNOW." I said. I'm getting tired of your shit, Sub. Seto gave another sigh. "I've given this some thought and I think that we need to come to a conclusion. Are there any testimonies that can prove Ty is innocent/guilty?" He asked around the table.

What am I, on trial or something?! I can see just by looking in the faces of the others that there's some doubt or denial. Almost like there's actual proof against me and they just don't want to think it's true.

"Why is this even a question?! There's no way anyone would do it!" Sky said, getting upset with the atmosphere. At least someone trusted me.

"Sky, please don't testify, you are too emotionally involved in this." Brice said, raising a hand. Seto nodded.

"Right. It's common that mood swings accompany concussions and the fact that Ty is your boyfriend doesn't help. We can't count your words as valid. I'm sorry Sky, but your emotions will keep us from finding the truth. You aren't to have a word in the conclusion." He said.

"The truth about what?! I'm not a traitor!" I shouted for probably the millionth time in the past hour. Sky bowed his head. Was that... Doubt passing his expression?! I can't believe it! I looked around the table.

No doubt people are inching towards me being the traitor even though no words are passing them by. It's just their own fear and suspicion that's freaking them out. The fear and suspicion Sub started. I couldn't take this.

"IM NOT THE TRAITOR GODDAMNIT! I promised my life and limbs for this army, and like hell I am going to keep that promise! I would NEVER betray Sky or any of you like that!" I snapped, standing up and slamming my hands on the table.

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