Back to the Base

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Chapter 15-


I saw the world around me almost slowed down. Oh crap... I launched forwards out of instinct the second the ceiling collapsed, not caring if I was caught in the mess. I watched in horror as Sky was avalanched over with chunks of lapis and fell. The squids watched with amusement.

All I could think about was the fact that the man I love is currently being crushed with blocks. I SWORE to protect him. I was suppose to stop things like this from happening. Please be okay!

I yelled out his name, kneeling next to the large pile on him and quickly started to toss blocks aside. Only his limp arm showed from the mess of lapis.

Sky gave a groan as I lifted more weight off him. He was unconscious. I needed to get him out. The ceiling could give out again and hurt us both!

As I got the last of the blocks off him, I tried to roll him over so that I could pick him up. But he gave another pained moan. He was hurt. Oh Notch, how bad was it?

I breathed curses to myself. "Sky! Wake up! Please! We need to get out of here before the squids..." I trailed off, looking up. The squids hadn't moved. They just watched me with wicked looks. What was their deal? Why aren't they attacking us?

I didn't get answers. With a grunt, the squid in the front turned and went farther down the hall to join the rest of its army. The others followed. What the hell?

I didn't really care though. I need to get Sky out so that he can get help. I tried waking him up again but no luck.

Tears were in my eyes. There was no response. He was breathing but it was slow and shallow.

I turned to the door. "HELP! Someone, Sky needs help!" I pleaded. By now, the recruits should be outside, itching to move out and waiting for us. No one could hear me from there. But I can't get Sky out of here like this.

I quickly yanked out my phone, dialing Jason's number. One ring. Two rings. Three rings. It felt like

forever until he finally picked up.

"Ty, where are you?! We need to move out before they-"

"I know! But Sky needs help, now! H-he's hurt! Get over here, I'm in the east hall front the lobby. Hurry!" I quickly said. Jason sucked in a breath. "On my way."

I almost started crying looking at Sky's slack face. It hurt me to think I could've stopped this from happening. I could've stopped him. But I didn't.

I stared down at him. His sunglasses were cracked and his eyes were twitching in pain. I felt so helpless. This was so scary. What was hurting the most? How can I help?

Soon, Jason had ran up to us, asking what had happened. I filled him in and he helped me carry Sky out. We quickly filled in Bodil and Tyler of Sky's situation.

Some recruits helped patch him up. Turns out, he had a cut on the back of his head where he was hit. It was small, but it scared the ever living crap out of me. A head injury was never a good thing.

He rode horse back with me the whole way home. I don't think I ever felt more crappy in my life. The army was sad and defeated. Jason, Bodil, and Tyler rode close to us to make sure we were safe. I don't think we said a word to each other. Sky didn't wake up the entire ride home.



I felt sick to my stomach the second I came back into consciousness. My back felt like hell and my head was pounding. My eyes cracked open a bit but the light turned out to be too harsh. There was a constant drum of pain in the back of my head, making me grimace.

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