Fight For Him

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(A/N: Happy Thanksgiving guys!! I'm thankful for having all you guys for support and taking the time to read my sucky story!! Have a great day!!
#GobbleTilYouWobble )

The gates of the base were only around 25 blocks away, give or take. I felt my heart flutter from the lack of breath and anticipation. I can finally tell Sky what really happened.

"Woah, are we getting a welcoming party or something?" Jerome asked, pointing a head of us.

Of course his super-baca-vision picked them up first, but after a few seconds I could make out the glint of armor, weapons, and people standing in front of the gates. They didn't seem very friendly.

And all of their glares were set on me. I could feel the heat of their hate. I slowed down to stop less than 10 blocks in front of them. The guys behind me stopped too.

"They still think you're a traitor, Ty. We have to be careful." Mitch said. I swallowed and gave a nod. I took a breath. "Hey, listen guys-WHAA!"

I was cut short when an arrow whizzed by right over my shoulder. "GET THE TRAITOR IN CUSTODY!" Someone shouted.

I took a step back. Mitch raised his sword threateningly. "Hey! Call off those orders! Don't attack Ty! He's on our side!" He called.

Some recruits looked confused, others looked straight up angry still. They gave each other weird looks. One stepped forwards bravely. "I'm sorry, general Mitch, but we can't take your orders! Please step back!" He yelled.

"What?! We are your generals, why can't you take our orders?!" Jerome asked. Another boy lowered his sword.

"We have direct order from the leader of the HQ. He said not to stop until we had Deadlox into custody and taken straight to him." He said. This seemed to remind the group of their job. They showed off their weapons, threatening to start swinging.

I was taken a back. "Sky wants to talk to me?" I asked in a whisper. I would've thought he would hate me so much he wouldn't want to even think of me.

Mitch gripped my shoulder. "No, Seto was talking about putting a tempt in Sky's place since he's injured. Seeing as we have a leader to give orders, he found one. I wonder...."

"Who is the substitute for Sky in place of leader?" Jason asked, finally making himself known. Recruits muttered in surprise that he was okay and with me.

Someone finally called out the one name I dreaded. "General SubZero is in place, sir!" I nearly groaned. Of course it was Sub.

"Listen to me! Sub isn't-" another arrow nearly scraped the side of my head, shutting me up. "Uh, Mitch, you guys wanna explain to them?"

He was going to answer when some shouted "ATTACK!" They all started coming at us. More importantly, at me. Mitch and Jerome were in the way.

"I don't think that's gonna help, G." Mitch said, meekly raising his sword.

"Knowing Ty, he'll probably find a way to get past the recruits. He's smart. There's a reason he was chosen as general." Sky said, looking down.

I had to think. How in the world could those stupid squids let him get out? I thought killing their king would make them fear me. He didn't listen to me. He just didn't and to had to kill him!

I grabbed Sky's wrist and motioned for him to follow me. Quickly. He complied and walked as quickly as he could with his hurt back. I held him close while we walked down the halls.

It was risky, but I had to hide him. I had gotten rid of anything shady in my office, they were stashed in my house. Except for the file in my drawer. That should have never been opened in the first place.

Heart Below SubZeroTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon