Found Them

935 41 14

(A/N: Well apparently I'm like the queen of cliff hangers. Well then.




I regret nothing.)



We were in way over our heads with this one. Notch, why did I have to listen to Mitch? A small army would've had a chance, maybe.

But just me and him beating all of them? There's a higher chance of me sprouting wings than that.

I hated the idea of splitting up with Mitch, but I couldn't stay there or else I'd risk being caught. No, I WILL be caught.

Whatever the squids are keeping on the other side of the door must be important.

I carefully looked around the corner from the hall, watching as a small group of squids passed, backs to me. I took note of the alarm turning off.

"I'm gonna have to James Bond this." I muttered to myself. I can't get caught right now. I have to avoid the squids until I unlatch the door.

But I have no clue where any kind of control room would be. Judging from the way these hallways are, the base has a pretty confusing interior. "It's just like a maze."

Walking only by instinct, I made my way around, looking in any rooms that may have seemed like it could be promising.

I don't know where the squid groups have gone. The halls are empty. I easily walked down each hall, so quiet I could hear the water around me move perfectly.

Something can't be right here.

I saw a hall that lead straight into another room. 'No reason not to check it out.' I thought.

I briskly walked towards it, noting the bright blue light that emitted from under the door.

I carefully slowed down in front of the door, laying my hand on the iron handle. Ink stained it, making it sticky. I almost gagged just touching it. Now I have to sterilize my fur. Great.

I turned the handle and walked into the room. Just what I was looking for. There were multiple screens set up and two different control pads with colorful, flashy, and complex looking buttons.

But I didn't even have time to accept my little victory. The door slammed behind me and next thing I knew I was being taken down. I dropped my sword.

I was slammed on the ground in a mangle of tentacles. It held me down and I looked up to face it. A stupid squid.

It wasn't angry. It looked more like a smirk, really, though it didn't have a mouth.

I instantly reached for my weapon but couldn't get it. It laid barely close enough for my fingertips to brush the handle but actually gripping it was a vain attempt.

The stupid squid gave a chuckle and knocked it farther away. "No getting out of this, furry one." It said, slipping it's tentacle around my neck.

I kicked and clawed at it, trying to pry it away. It squeezed, making me lose oxygen quick. All existing supply expired.

I bared my teeth, finding the opportunity to slip my jaw under the tentacle. I sunk my sharp bacca fangs into the slimy flesh. Hard.

The squid gave a shriek of pain and instantly pulled away. Blue blood instead of ink oozed out and into the water around it.

Quick to get back on my feet, I jumped back up and lunged for my sword. I swooped it back into my hands. Success.

The squid tried to get away, but before it reached the door, I grabbed a tentacle and yanked him back.

"Oh no ya don't!" I growled. Without hesitation, I easily slid the blade into its back. It gave another high pitched scream before disintegrating away.

I breathing heavy, I rubbed my throat. "Thing has a killer grip." I muttered. Then I remembered the control panel.

"Alright, let's see what we have here."



"... Mitch?" Jason asked, gripping the bars of his cage-like prison. I ran up to the cage door. "Jason! Thank god you're alright!"

My eyes widened when I realized Ty was in the cage with him.

He was sitting on the other side, knees hugged to his chest. He looked up to me with large eyes. Something twinkled in his eye but I ignored it.

Instantly I became angry. There were so much choice words I held back it almost hurt. I clutched my sword tight.

"W-why is he in there?" I spat. "Did the squids take back their offer? Did they throw you in here once they got what they wanted?"

"Mitch, it's okay-"

"No it's not, Jason! He's a dirty traitor. Do you know how many people have died because of him?! Even his own recruits have fallen! And Sky is-"

"Will you listen to me?!" Jason yelled. I snapped my jaw shut. Jason looked annoyed and irritated. I don't really blame him. I wouldn't be in the best of moods either.

Ty sighed and stood up.

"Just hear us out."


(A/N: Sorry the the shortish chapter. But hey, we reached 5K reads. JUMP FOR JOYYY :D


Thank you guys so much!! Much love


Peace!! <3)

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