Time to Work

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Chapter 5-

(A/N:Sorry for the late chapter. Schools almost back in so that's something to look forward to... NOT. Just kidding, stay in school kids. Here ya go :D


After the Hunger Games had ended, I wanted to leave. Everyone had asked if we should go another round, but I didn't feel like it. That last round sucked. And I still got the credit for winning, even though I didn't do anything. Why did Sub let me win?

We were walking back to the HQ when Ross had started questioning Sub what had happened back there. "Dude, you blew me up! I mean, you still got Jerome, but you could've warned me! I could've made it to Death Match!" He exclaimed, not exactly mad with Sub but upset. It was just a game, but we were all competitive as hell.

Sub put his hands up in a surrender pose, showing that he was sorry. Ty turned to him. "You must have a thing for blowing people up. I was spectating Sky and saw you. You got me good man, I'll give ya that. Nice job." He said, giving Sub a thumbs up. At least someone had good sportsmanship.

"Too bad you forfeited the game though." Jerome said. "You're one sneaky son of a pig. I think you should've taken the win." Mitch agreed. "Aw, I think it's cute that he let Sky win." Ross teased. I stared at him. "W-what?! Please don't start this shipping 'OTP' crap." I said. I knew where that would've went.

Ross chuckled. I hated when they did that stuff. Only I can make jokes like that! I lagged behind to the back of the group, my hands in my pockets. I was being a sore winner, I knew it. Well, I wasn't even the winner really. It was just a game, yeah. But I have pride people! I can't accept the win if I didn't even do anything!

Sub stopped and waited for me to catch up. He walked next to me of the rest of the time. "Sub..." I started out. But he held up a hand to stop me from talking, then put it on his chest. I stared at him. "Is... This your way of saying... Sorry?" I guessed. He nodded in response. I grinned at him after a second.

I knew he only meant well back there. "Okay, I forgive you. But next time, let me win by myself. Thanks for the help man, but if I lose, then I'll lose because of my own fault. And if I win, I wanna win by my own fault." I explained, putting a hand on his shoulder. He nodded again.

"So, there's a new dubbed episode of Attack on Titan tonight...."



When we got back to base, I went straight to the elevator so I could make my way to my room. I wanted to take nap because I was still tired from the lack of sleep last night. That was the plan until I heard Seto call out my name. "Ty. We have to talk about something. Sky, you too. It's about the squids." He said, quickly gathering files from the front desk in the lobby before heading down the hall for the meeting room. I groaned. I actually have to do work?

I started to follow him and noticed a few seconds later that Sky wasn't following. I turned and saw him still talking to Sub in the lobby, who was nodding his head in response. It was something about Attack on Titan.

"Sky, come on. It's meeting time." I called out to him. Something about seeing him laughing with Sub made me uneasy. It's jealousy Ty. You know this, I told myself. I still had trouble accepting I like Sky, but I know a can't just push my feelings away. Same with this jealousy towards those two always hanging out now.

"Alright, I'm coming! Hold your horses! See ya later then." He said bye to Sub and waved as he hurried over to me so we can walk down the hall. Ahead of us, Seto was quickly speed walking down the hall, far away. I glanced over to Sky. He was fiddling with his sleeves. Was he nervous about something?

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