Finally Skylox

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Chapter 10-


I sat dumbstruck for a second. Did Sky really just say that? He... Loved me? I was suddenly torn from my short thought.

I nearly jumped out of my seat when a plate smashed in the doorway. Me and Sky turned our heads to see a shattered plate on the floor and we heard loud walking down the hall. We both stared. How was I suppose to respond to that or the fact that Sky had just confessed to me. Something I hadn't been able to do because I was too scared.

Me, out of all people. He actually LIKED me? I always dreamed of me and him being a couple but I thought it was just a crush and that Sky would never love me. But apparently he did... And I was the happiest guy alive at that point. It felt like my heart soared through the heavens for a few seconds. I turned back to face him, but he was still looking at the doorway. Confused. So was I, but I had to get on point here.

I cleared my throat. "Uh Sky... Did you... Really mean what you said?" I asked quietly. Why was my face so warm? I swear to Notch if I'm blushing... How embarrassing... Sky looked back at me, embarrassed himself.

"Y-yeah, I did. I'm sorry, I must sound like a complete idiot. I don't know, it's just that I've felt this way for a while now and I-I guess I just needed to say it out loud. It was a crazy thing to do, I know. And I know you don't like me the same way and-"

I stopped his rambling by placing a hand on his. "Sky, it's okay. I'm glad you told me because, honestly, I've felt the same about you. I was just too scared to tell you myself. I'm so happy you feel this way, I... I feel the same. I have for a long time." I told him softly.

His eyes must've widened behind his sunglasses because his eyebrows raised. "Ty... God, I'm so happy! I was scared that this might've ruined our friendship or something!" He said with a huge grin on his face.

"So,"I said,"Wanna make this a thing?" Sky's smile widened. "Skylox?" He said, hopeful. I nodded with a chuckle. "Skylox." And with that I gave him a small peck on the cheek. We sat next to each other and talked for a while, trying to decide if and when we should tell the guys about us.

Sky turned his head. "Reminds me, what's with the random broken plate? Who was that?" He asked. I shrugged. "Don't know. I guess someone dropped it and was too lazy to pick it up." I said. We brushed it off as just that. A lot of recruits here were pretty lazy. But they got the job done. Reminds me...

"Sky... You know, about the squid invasion..."I started off. "Yeah?" He asked. I looked down at his tan face, worried. Why would anyone want to hurt such an angelic boy?

"You know, even if we think we have the upper hand, it can still be dangerous. Remember last time? I just don't want you to get hurt." I told him. He frowned a bit.

"I know, but I have faith in us. It's not like we're rushing in there without a plan. The squids might be smarter now, but so are we. We can do this. And don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I'm the leader, I have to be there for my men." He said.

"But last time-"

"What happened last time was my own fault. Thank you for saving me but I can fight my own battles. I'll try not to twist my ankle or any other body part this time."

I shut up about it. He had his pride, but I had my doubts. He continued.

"But you're right, it is dangerous. That's why I decided I don't want YOU going. I think you should just stay for now. Please don't participate I this raid."

"What?! Are you kidding?! Sky I need to go to make sure you'll be okay. And I need to lead the Dead Army! I NEED to go. Please. I'm begging you, let me protect you Sky."

"But Ty, you might get hurt. What would I do if something happened? I just confessed my feelings for you, I need you to stay and be safe."

"How do you think I would feel if they got the upper hand again. They won't hesitate to kill you. I need to be there. If I lost you I... I don't know what I'd do! I love you, I can't let you go by yourself."

Sky's mouth gaped open. "You.. Said you love me... Well I love you too! And that's why I don't want you to go!" He said, trying not to raise his voice.

"And I do! I don't like the idea of you going without me. Sky, I'll be fine. It's you I'm worried about so please just... Let me go." I begged. "I promise. I will protect you, and so long as you're there, I'll be just fine. Let's get through it together." I grabbed his hand in mine and softly tried to persuade him.

He looked back at me, his face slack with thought. He was weighing his options. I tried my best to lock eyes with him through his heavily tinted glasses. "... Fine, I'll allow you to come. One on condition." He said. "Anything, what is it?" I asked. I was willing to do anything to protect him.

He leaned in closer. "That you'll come back. Alive. Every mission we go on is dangerous. I want to make sure you'll live through every one. I'll protect you and you protect me. We have each others backs." He said.

My heart filled with warmth. He thoroughly cared for me. He told me himself he loved me... The same protectiveness I feel for him is how he feels towards me, I guess. How long has he felt this way? How long has this feeling of love and want gnawed at him? As long as it had me? I was not going to let the man I love down. I will protect you with my life Sky. We will both live to see the end of this war.

"I promise!" I nearly shouted. Sky smiled, wrapping his arms around my neck and hugging me close. I hugged back, happiest that I've been in my life. After a few seconds he pulled back. A determined look crossed his face. "Let's both kick some squid butt." He said. I nodded.


(A/N:... I promised a new chapter, right? Well here it is :) I'm not very good with the smushy-gushy- fluffy stuff but I really tried to make this chapter bearable! I promise better writing and more exciting chapters coming your guy's way!! Oh yeah, if you guys are confused about the whole "remember least time" thing, please revert back to chapter 2 in Sky's POV. Just sayin'

And if you haven't read my message board lately, it basically says that I might have to start doing weekly updates instead of every few days due to school being back in and family probs. But I will NOT let this story die off! I promise you that I will finish this story the best I can!

Stick around, gently press that follow button, and be a bit patient with my slow brain if you're enjoying the story so far ;) hope ya'll have a good night<3 )

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