Confrence Conflict?

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Chapter 16-


I rubbed my temples, trying to will the headache to go away. I've come the the conclusion that concussions absolutely SUCK. I hated this.

And I didn't even have Ty with me because he went to grab every officer for the meeting. Apparently this last attack caused a huge blow on our army since we don't know how we were so easily overpowered by the squids.

The meeting was in half an hour and I'm still laying in bed, swinging my sword in the air aimlessly, as though it'd bring entertainment. It didn't. I groaned.

I dropped the sword onto the bed and tried to roll onto my side. Bad idea. My back gave a protesting pain, so I stayed still. How the hell am I suppose to get to the meeting room if I can't even sit up properly?

I laid there for a bit. 'What the hell are we suppose to do now?' I thought. Squids are gonna pose a problem now. That I knew.

There was a knock on my door. "Come in." I said, expecting a recruit to come in to check up on me but no. It was Sub. In his hand was a white board. I smiled.

"Hey, what's up man?" I asked. He have a small but warm smile. A look of relief was on his face. He stood next to my bed and held up a finger, motioning for me to wait a second.

He wrote on the white board with a dry erase marker.

<How ya feelin?>

"I'm fine, just a little banged up." I said with a wave of the hand. <I was told you have a bit of a back prob. Tht doesn't sound fun :( >

"Nah, I don't really need to move. Why sit and walk around when I can just lay in bed all day?" I sarcastically said. His shoulders rose in a silent chuckle.

"So, what've you been doing since we delayed making videos?" I asked. He shrugged. <Nm. Just been hangin in my office since you were busy>

"Huh? Why didn't you hang with the others? I don't think Oakward or Dartron were doing anything either." I said. He shrugged.

<It wouldn't be the same. They just aren't as cool as you ;) >

I grinned. "Yeah, I am pretty cool." I joked. Yeah right I am. I chuckled and he kinda bit his lip to prevent a laugh. But his smile slipped afterwards.

<You sure you're okay?>

I nodded even though it caused discomfort in my head. "I'm fine. Besides the back I have a concussion but that's it. Seto says it should go away in a few days." He smiled. <That's good>

I was grateful that he was concerned. I don't think I talked to him since that night when we watched Attack on Titan. That was the night before I asked Ty out. Sub really was a good friend.

I gave him a warm smile back. We talked for a while about what kind of map we should do when we have time and who we should invite.

<Mayb we should do 1 by ourselves, ya know?? ;) > He gave a suggestive back and forth gesture with his finger. I laughed. "Yeah, sounds like fun. Maybe sometime you me and Ty can do a map too?" I said.

He lowered his white board and gave a nod, not looking me face to face anymore. Huh? Was it something I said?

"Hey, uh, is there something wrong?" I asked, reaching out and placing a hand on his arm. He looked up and gave another small smile. He shook his head.

<No, nothin. Btw, how are you & Ty? I heard from a little birdy wearing a checkered sweater tht ya asked him out.> He wrote.

I chuckled a bit. "Mitch, huh? Yeah he took that info over the top... Me and Ty are going pretty good. Though I wish that we could've had more time to spend together lately. After what happened at the invasion I doubt we can hang out much. We both are going to be busy." I explained, kinda down about the fact.

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