For Team Crafted

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"Sir we should dispose of the prisoners quickly. They're humans! They have intelligence! It's only a matter of time until they figure how to get out!" The seemingly only smart squid exclaimed. He had tried to get his point across maybe a dozen times already!

The king was so stubborn and full of himself, he only did what he wanted regardless if it'll hurt his own army. He obviously didn't see how much if a threat his prisoners are alive.

"SILENCE! I will do as I please with my prisoners!" The king of squids, King Derpololollololous, boomed.

The squid underling, 553, quivered with fright. No squid ever dared argue with the ginormous king. If they did, they would often find themselves dead. But they had a problem weighing in everyone's chest that they needed to fix soon.

"The deal was that we help the mute one and he gives us a prisoner that we need to dispose of! Sky Army falls and we get the power! That was the agreement!" 553 said.

But the king chuckled. "The mute one was a fool. Yes, we have the prisoner, and yes, the Sky Army will fall. But this will not end like HE wants it to. He and his precious Skydoesminecraft will die at our hands and we will rule the land. He didn't think things through."

The smaller squid shook violently. He seemed to be the only one to know that they were nothin to mess with. Humans were smart. These humans were out right vicious and wouldn't hesitate to kill all of then should they get out.

He just wanted them dead. They SHOULD'VE been dead by now. The mute boy that helped them had a simple request and the king couldn't even do that? Ridiculous.

"B-but we agreed NOT to kill the Sky Army leader! That was the only restriction!" He squeaked. "Well I wear the crown and I say we kill him and the mute one, hand in hand. Romantic, wouldn't you say?" The king sneered with another laughing fit.

The kings laughter, and the squids thoughts, were cut short by the quiet tapping of a blade. Both sets of eyes drifted over to the corner pillar in the throne room, where a short shadow was standing.

553's eyes widened. 'H-he heard everything! He knows the king plans to backstab the backstabber!' He thought.

Sub stepped forwards, a frown settled in his face. 'Funny,'Sub thought,'And here I was to give my good will. Well, it seems nobody can really be trusted, can they?'

The beautiful marble floor and golden throne was stained with ink and blue blood by the time Sub left.


"Oh my god... I can't believe... So you didn't do all those things. It was fucking Sub!" Mitch exclaimed, pounding the palm of his had to his forehead. That was apparently the initial reaction when finding out the truth.

"Yeah, that's what I've been trying to tell you." I stated matter-of-factly. I was already annoyed as it was, I wanted to get the fuck out of this cage!

"We've been here for like 3 days. Please tell me nothing happened between Sky and Sub in that time frame." I desperately asked, hoping it wasn't too late.

I couldn't bear if Sub made a move on Sky already. I'd kill that bastard!

Mitch pondered a minute, rubbing his now red forehead. "No, I mean, not really. They've been hanging out a lot and Sub has really helped Sky out a lot. Or, so everyone thinks."

Jason hummed to himself. "So he's trying to get close to Sky so he can make a move." He said, thinking out loud.

"Seems like it. Sky gets his heart broken and is hurt, so he goes running to the one person that is there for him at the time." Mitch said. "I knew I shouldn't have trusted him..."

"We can talk about it later. Right now we have to get out of here. Do you have more potions of Water Breathing on you?" I asked.

Mitch nodded. "Yeah but how are you guys going to get out of there? We don't exactly have a key or anything."

Jason grinned. "Actually, that's exactly what we have." He reached into his chest plate and retrieved the key.

"Nice." Mitch said. Jason wrapped his arm around the iron bars and mapped his way to the key hole. After a second of concentration, we heard a click.

"Sweet!" I exclaimed. "Pass us the potions! Let's get out of here!" The second I had a potion in my hand, it's substance went down my throat and I swung the door open. Me and Jason leaped from the cage into the water, able to breath perfectly fine.

"Jerome went to find a control room to open the iron door down here. Should be open any minute now." Mitch explained.

We waited for a few seconds before Mitch turned to me. "Hey Ty?" He asked. "Hm?"

"Sorry for thinking you were the traitor. I was so stupid to think that-"

"It's alright. Really." I said. "No it's not! I should've trusted you!" Mitch countered.

"We all should've trusted each other." Jason said, obviously not wanting to really ponder over who pointed the finger at who.

"Even though we aren't as close of a team anymore, we are still Team Crafted. That's how it started and that's how it'll end. Got it?" Jason said.

Me and Mitch nodded, facing each other. "Yeah, it's just like Jason said. No matter what happens, we're still a team. We need to trust each other." I said.

Mitch gave a grin. "Right. Remind me of that next time one of us is in trouble. Next time we won't turn our backs." He added.

"For the old Team Crafted?" I suggested, holding my fist out. Jason grinned. "What are you talking about, "old Team Crafted?" We're still going strong, even though we aren't as close."

He bumped his fist on mine. "For Team Crafted." Mitch joined in, holding his fist to ours. "For Team Crafted."

At that moment, the iron door gave a loud creak and it started to open up again. I pulled my fist back to my side.

'I'm coming for you Sky, don't worry. I'm going home and when I do, I'll show you all who the real enemy is.'
(A/N: such nostalgia writing that "for Team Crafted part." I was so sad I almost cried ;-; oh wait, I already am...)

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