Fangirls and a Filler

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Chapter 11-

The entire base was basically turned over on its side what with all the excited recruits(mostly fangirls from the mostly psycho army know as the Sky Army). The word "Skylox" had gone from drifting around to being slingshot around.

Reactions ranged from "that's great" to "I always knew it would happen" to a few "okay?" And then there was that one chick who was squealing her head off and shouting something about "OTP" and yaoi. But everyone just ignores her....

The two had planned to keep their status a secret until at least after the quickly approaching invasion. Too bad a certain Benja had decided to check up on them and over heard them.

Next thing you know, Mitch and Jerome are running throughout the halls of the base, shouting "Skylox is in motion!" At the top of their lungs.

Embarrassed and scared of others reactions, Sky had retreated to Seto's room with Ty. Needless to say, Seto wasn't the happiest man around at the moment.

"With the entire base stirring and in chaos with this new... "change," there is absolutely no work being done. Blacksmiths have stopped making armor and weapons because they're either busy shipping other members of TC or just taking the opportunity to slack off. Hell, I don't even know where our butchers went. Fix this." He said.

He placed a hand on his hip, making Brice smile widely from where he sat behind him. Apparently a mad or sassy Seto was damn sexy. (I would agree)

Sky tried to contain giggles, knowing what that smile was for. Ty on the other hand nodded, trying to keep his eyes off Brice and his funny grin. "Don't worry, we'll fix this. Right Sky?" The other nodded.

"Yeah. Don't sweat it." He agreed. Seto nodded back. "Right. We're scheduling that we should move out at 3 days time. We found the location of the bigger squid base. Be ready then. Don't make any Epic Jump Map plans or anything. Me and Brice are going to work in here."

"Work."Ty exasperated and made quote marks with his fingers. The magic man was unamused. "I don't want to have to delay this plan. Sometimes I feel like I'm the leader instead of Sky, honestly." He said.

"That's the price of being mature, my friend." Sky said. He gripped Ty's wrist and tugged. "Come on, let's go calm the recruits down." He said. Ty smiled and nodded. The two made their way out of the room and headed toward the intercom room.

Seto sighed as the door closed behind them. But he put a small smile on his face after. "I always knew those two were going to get together. Guess that's destiny." He muttered to himself.

Suddenly his head whipped around when he heard a loud clutter behind him. Brice had managed to fall back in the chair he was in and knocked over a pile of paperwork and books with him. "Owww." He complained.

Seto grit his teeth. "Why did destiny have to pair me with him?" He said.


Sub hadn't left his room since his little "tantrum." The smell of fresh clay filled the dark room. He sat in the office chair behind his desk, looking out at the plain biome behind the base.

Tall grass and yellow flowers messily decorated the blank grasslands. A single pig walked across, almost giving a sentimental feel to the scenery. He shook his head, not willing to give into emotions right now. What he heard next didn't help, though.

A loud running sound came up the stairs and someone was heard breathing heavily and was excited. "SKYLOX IS IN MOTION! I REPEAT, SKYLOX IS IN MOTION!" Damn it Mitch, why do you have to go announce it like that? Why is he even apart of this army anyways?

Sub leaned his cheek in his hand and glared at the door. The footsteps came closer and the yelling continued. He watched as two shadows passed under the crack of the door as the Benja ran by. So fucking annoying...

The noise of excited recruits and cheers came from outside the hall. The fangirls squeals were so high pitched he thought his windows would break. Why were they so happy? It's not like it was any business of theirs.

He spun around in the chair and closed his eyes. Not only was he heartbroken and trying to cover it up, he's now going to be constantly reminded of his failure. His eyes opened back up when he heard Sky's voice over the intercom.


That voice was laced with a giggling and joking tone that made Subs chest constrict again. Oh Sky, if only you knew what you do to me, he thought. His teeth grit when he heard Ty's voice follow.

"As an additional announcement:We ask that you recruits behave yourselves. That status of our relationship is between us. It's of no concern to any of you, so we ask that you please return to work so we may go forward with plans accordingly. Any recruits caught slacking off and not doing their job will be trapped in a room with SSundee with the removal of his glasses. Thank you. Deadlox and Sky-"



Fucking dog. How dare he take Sky away from him. The thought of him alone disgusted him. Now he had even more of a reason to hate him. Why wasn't he good enough for Sky?

He was so close to winning him over, or at least that's what he thought. No... He shouldn't think about it. At least, not now. Emotions would just hold him back right now. He had some work to do at the moment.

There were no videos planned for him to help work on, so he can focus on more important things. Like how he can win the heart of the one man that pushed him to shove back.


The rest of the day went as normal. Work actually got done but at a slower rate since there were still murmurs about the two love birds. The fangirls fidgeted, waiting to get off work to continue shipping and writing fanfics (sound familiar?)

Seto managed to fix all his messed up files and enchant a few books to send to the black smith so they can enchant items.

Sky and Ty were tired themselves from having to hunt down the bacca and Benja. Once they were actually found hiding in Husky's office, they made a run for it and then a chase started. Now the four were in the meeting room as requested since the two given up.

Jason had stayed in his room through this whole ordeal. He was still laying in his bed, staring at his ceiling. When he heard the announcement he smiled. "I knew they'd get together. I wonder what kind of chaos the base is in." He thought to himself.

Dillion gave a squeak and started to flutter around him, giving him a little dance or something. But a small frown found it's way onto his face. "I wonder what kind of chaos Sub is in..." Guilt of keeping quiet nagged at him. Sub will be so sad...


(A/N: sorry for the very short chapter but I had time for a bit and I decided to spend it to satisfy you guys for now. New (longer) chapter coming soon!! Just a little filler chapter, not much has happened. Sorry about that :D

If you guys are enjoying the story so far, please gently tap that follow button and be patient with my very slow brain. It's very appreciated :D love you guys!! <3)

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