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(A/N: Well, school's back in tomorrow, which sadly means that updates might be delayed a little. But I promise I will keep this story going! I always finish what I start, so not to worry!)

Chapter 8


I sat in my room, contemplating and weighing my options. Oh I hate making decisions. I rechecked the message I got just over a half hour ago, still wondering what I should do. Either way I go, I still won't know what the future holds...

"I know you were in my office, TrueMU. And I know you were snooping around. You're so nosey, but not very sneaky. You can either do as I say and shut up about what you saw, or you'll have fun explaining to Sky why I have your helmet ;) all you have to do is be quiet and we'll be just fine."

I could choose to tell Sky and risk losing the trust of everyone in the base. Sub might even have a legit reason for having those tapes. Can't really say the same for the paper though... But still, it might not be a big deal and I'll just never be trusted again. Was I just being paranoid? No one would trust me to not snoop in their office next.

Or I just can be quiet and avoid this big drama deal all together. That was the path I would like to take, but what if something was up with Sub? I don't trust him... He was so quiet I have no clue what could be going on in that head of his. I had no clue he possibly had anger problems. I hardly even had a clue that he was so close to Sky. And he seemed to have this fantasy... SkyZero...

We all knew there was this Skylox thing going around with the recruits, and that a small period of silence between Sky and Ty had sparked it up even more. They were saying that the two were too nervous to confess their love to each other. But we also knew that Ty did most certainly like Sky, that was a fact. Sky on the other hand... It was kinda hard to tell. He always showed some amount of friendliness towards all of his friends. And a lot went towards Ty.

We would never question him about it, but I would most certainly not question Sub about it either. I'm sure he knew of this little crush thing between those two, that's why he hasn't told Sky how he feels yet.

I sighed and leaned back on my bed, staring at the star pattern on my ceiling. Dillion was hanging on a perch up there. I gave a breathy whistle and he came fluttering down, perching on my chest plate. He chirped twice, seemingly giving me comfort. I gave him a small smile.

"What am I to do, Dillion? Maybe I shouldn't have snooped around. I guess I should just... I don't know. For now, I'll keep quiet. I'll just see how things roll. But if Sub does anything to hurt Sky or Ty, I won't hesitate to get his ass kicked from the city." I said to him. He gave another chirp. And, as though he were actually talking to me, I answered him.

"I know I sound like a chicken, or I might even be over exaggerating. But I don't want to do anything to ruin how all of our lives are right now. We all seem pretty happy. Anyways, I know the whole SkyZero thing won't happen, so why should I worry? He and Ty are basically meant to be. Heh, whatever. I'll stop worrying about it. I'll let life run it's course."

Dillion have another high pitched squeak. I scratched the side of his head. "Thanks for listening buddy." I said to him. Dillion then flew back up to his perch. I sat up in my bed. "Speaking of buddies. Jeffrey, where are you?" I said. There was a rustling sound and a few seconds later a head poked out from under my bed. Jeffrey looked up at me with those piggy, derpy eyes. I laughed.

"What are you doing down there? What are you, some kind of ninja pig or something?" I asked him as I chuckled. I wrapped my arms under his piggy pits and heaved him onto my bed. He gave a little squeal then calmed down and laid on my bed. I smiled and laid on the other side of the bed, realizing I was tired. Guess I should go to bed. I should just ignore the whole situation all together for now and try to live my own life. Yeah, I think that'd be for the best.

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