Who Dunnit?

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Chapter 17-


I reread that message probably a dozen times before I could finally process that I was actually being accused. When it did get through I still had trouble believing it.

"W-what? How could you think that..." I trailed off. Did Sub really just say that?

He nodded and wrote on his white board again. <I believe you were the only one in the most PERFECT position to do such a thing. But that's just me>

I frowned. "Just because you think I was doesn't mean I did it. I could never turn my back on the army, let alone Sky!" I said.

"Y-yeah! Ty has been one of the most trust worthy guys here!" Ian defended. "So what?! Does that mean you think Jason did it?" Mitch questioned.

"W-what?!" Jason squeaked,"Hey hey hey! Now let's not jump to conclusions. Seto said that it's just a possibility. The fact remains that none of us can be the traitor."

Said sorcerer nodded. "That's right. There's no need to get excited with this." He calmly said.

"But this is kinda worth looking into, wouldn't you say?" Dartron said. I gripped the arms of my chair. Does he not trust me?

"Yeah, I think so too." Oakward agreed. "Same. I mean, it's not that we don't trust you, Ty, it's just that we need to make sure." Aviator said.

Of course the newer guys won't trust me as easily as Team Crafted. They haven't been around long enough. But that still doesn't mean that they should be so quick to point a finger.

"That's right." Seto nodded. "There is nothing to get excited about. But it could be Jason or Tyler as much as it could be Ty, as you should know. Do you have any evidence to back up this claim, Sub?"

Sub nodded, erasing his white board. What kind of evidence could he have against me? I didn't do anything! And I don't believe anybody else did either. I trust in my team, but I had a feeling that their trust in me would be questioned soon.

<Anyone else notice how Ty was the only one NOT to have troubles at the invasion?>

"Well, that doesn't really prove anything Sub..." Kyle pointed out. Yeah. He doesn't have anything against me.

Sky leaned forwards with a confused expression. "Yeah. What exactly are you getting at?" He nervously asked.

<My gut tells me not to trust him. Also, he was the only one that DIDNT point out something was wrong. I know that these are just hunches but still...>

"But this isn't any solid evidence against me! You're just wasting our time, Sub." I said, getting annoyed with his pointless accusations. Why did he hate me so much? So much so that he's quick to point the finger at me?

"Sub, what are you getting at, if anything." Seto said. Sub shook his head. <All I'm saying is to keep an eye on Ty...> he squinted in my direction with distrust. What did I do to deserve this?!

"Well that means that theres no evidence against him." Tyler said.

"But that doesn't mean he's in the clear." Ross said.

"Y-yeah! We should look a bit closer into this." OakWard said.

"Why should we? There's no way Ty could've done something like that!" Mitch said.

"Alright! We'll dig a bit deeper. But if nothing shows up then we're moving on." Seto confirmed. I swallowed hard. Why don't they trust me?

"Ty, during the invasion, what did you do exactly?" Brice asked, standing behind Seto. Why was I seriously being interrogated?

"I-I was fighting right next to Sky, right Sky?" I said, turning to Sky. He nodded. "Yeah! We charged in through the front, just like the plans said. Ty never went rouge and didn't do his own thing. He stuck to the plan!" He said, defending me.

I smiled. I knew I could trust at least him. As long as I knew he was there for me, I can do anything.

"That may be but that doesn't mean he didn't plan ahead." Dartron said. Sub nodded.

<Yes. Obviously if he were to go off plan in anyway, he'd be suspicious.>

"IF he was a traitor. Which he's NOT." Jerome pointed out. At least some people still trusted me. I smiled.

"Listen guys, I didn't do anything. I would never turn my back against you guys, the army, and especially not Sky. I-I can't believe some of you don't trust me." I said, placing my hand on top of Sky's, looking at him. He smiled and nodded.

"I know you didn't Ty." He said. But apparently a certain animator wanted to dig deeper. <In that case, let's look at difficulties. Sky, how many squids would you say you killed?> where is all this coming from?

"Um... It's kinda blurry but... I think a few dozen?" Sky replied. I knew that due to his head injury, his memory of the invasion wasn't completely valid. But even I'd say that's a pretty accurate number.

Sub nodded, then turned to me. <You were fighting the same battles as him. How many did you kill, Ty?> why was this even relevant?

"Maybe... 6. I shamefully said. It was true. Absolutely no squids came to attack me. I had to go up to a squid and the only time I caught up to one was if it wasn't trying to avoid me.

"Wait, six? Why so little? That base was full if squids." Bodil said. I shrugged. "None of them wanted to fight me." I simply said.

"But you're the second higher up, just below Sky. Why wouldn't they want to go after you?" Aviator asked.

"Like I know? I thought it was weird too but it was like they didn't want to fight me." I said.

<Was it because you were giving them tips on us and they couldn't hurt you for that?>

"I am tired of you accusing me, Sub! I didn't do anything wrong!" I yelled at him, slamming my hand on the table.

<how can we be sure?> he accused. <If you have nothing to hide then you'll let us pry!>

I leaned forwards. "What is there to pry about?! I'm not a traitor!" I said. Seto cleared his throat. "If Ty were the traitor, which I'm not saying is true, then I honestly believe he'd be in the best position. Hypothetically speaking." He said.

I turned my head to him. Is that what he thought? "S-Seto. What?" I said. He raised a hand. "Now, I'm not saying you are. But when I think about it, the pieces... Kinda fit." He said.

<He has a high position, meaning more trust. That trust is what he was relaying on so that he thought we wouldn't accuse him.>

"W-wait. That can't be right. What do you mean, Seto?" Sky asked. Seto sighed. "Well..." He rubbed his face in thought.


(A/N: my god I need sleep XD why is it that I always find myself writing these so early?? My eyes are literally crossing I probably shouldn't update this now but I'm gonna anyways!! #CANTBETAMED #IMADORK

Anyways, here's a little chappie to get the gears grinding in the brain. Have a good morning everybody :D)

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