Seto's Night

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Chapter 6-


Thank Notch I can handle stress so much, but there has to be a limit. After I convince Sky that no, we can't bribe the squids with butter, the meeting ended after only half an hour.

Like I had said, I wanted to get that portal done so we can take out the spawn machine in their dimension and get it over with. That meant going home to the big empty house. My roommate was still out on an exploration, so I was alone. Yippee...

I gathered the files of the individual reports from the Dead Army. Some had claimed that the squids had got the upper hand on one group of soldiers. But they quickly regained control of the situation and raided the entire base easily. That seemed to be the only complication they had. To me it seems like the squids are hardly putting up much of a fight lately.

I turned on my heel and was the first to leave the meeting room. Sometimes I felt as though I were the only one actually working around here. While the guys were playing the Hunger Games today, I was busy enchanting books and making healing potions. Being the only one with magic around here was hard work. But I knew that the army needed me. I can't take a break often, and here I was spending one of my only free nights working on a portal.

Down in my "evil laboratory" (that's what Jerome calls it, but it's really just my basement) I stood in front of the dull golden blocks which were stacked like a nether portal. The only source of light was a torch next to my desk, which was cluttered with research about multi-dimension travel. I had been working on this project for so long I stopped counting the days.

"Okay... Let's try this one more time Seto." I said to myself, taking a deep breath. I could feel the stress already piling on my head as I conjured up the energy I needed from both the world around me and myself. Holding out both hands to the unfinished portal, I concentrated. I went into trance for what felt like an eternity.


A quick jolt through my body and the sound of a flame being lit brought me back to reality. I looked up to see a black swirl starting to open in the portal that was once empty. I stared for a second, almost not believing it. Then a smile cracked on my face. "I... I did it? I DID IT! YAHOO!" I celebrated, jumping up and down like Sky does when he is rewarded with butter.

I grinned, happy with myself. Finally all those nights of staying up late and draining my energy has paid off. All my hard work... and now the portal is done! I stared into the black swirl and felt the energy radiating off faintly.

I extended a hand out and just with the tip of it I prodded the swirl. Almost immediately it started rippling, such as calm water would if you tossed a rock in it. I pulled my hand back quickly. My smile fell.

"It looks like it's unstable. It'd be dangerous to go in. The portal might close up if someone did. Guess it needs more energy to become stable." I said to myself under my breath. Almost got it. The portal calmed down after a few seconds.

I could feel the pull of sleep in my head, almost giving me a head ache even. I groaned. I should get some sleep and try again the next day. Then my energy will be back. And after the invasion on the squid base, we can start making plans on exploring the dimension. Once it's stable. Then we can make plans on how to destroy the squids at its source.

I yawned, turning to my desk. I jotted down a few notes of the reaction of the portal, then closed the book. I grabbed the torch and started climbing the stairs. The portal gave a small glow in the room, like a Nether portal. I closed the door that lead to the basement and locked it. To keep my stuff safe.

I went to my room and flopped on my empty king sized bed. Once again, I was going to be the only one on this bed tonight. My cape already covered me like a blanket, so I decided against getting back up to grab one.

"Seto." I heard as I was drifting off to sleep. I opened my eyes a bit to the familiar voice. I looked to the door way of my room and golden hair and a heavenly face met my eyes. "Brice... Brice! You're home!" I said, quickly shedding my need for sleep and jumping up to hug him.

"Yeah. Sorry I was gone so long. I kinda got lost in the jungle biome with Bashur for a bit. Haha, sorry I didn't call in to tell you I was home. I just got back a few minutes ago." Brice apologized as we parted our little hug. Me and Brice shared a home together in the mountain biome. Why? Because... Well... DONT QUESTION ME. All you fangirls should know anyways....

"That was a long trip. Didn't I tell you Bashur has no sense of direction?" I said. I pulled my cape a bit closer to myself, realizing how cold it was in this house. "Yeah, next time I oughta push him in a lava pit. He was so happy about finding the jungle temple, he lost the map on the way out. So what's been going on in the apparently-so-long 5 days I've been gone?" He said.

I explained everything about the invasion and the squid portal. "Really? That's awesome! Great job Seto!" He said, giving me a huge smile. After a small conversation about both of our days away from each other we decided to head to bed. "I missed you, Seto."

Brice actually needed a blanket, so he grabbed one and wrapped us both in it. He fell asleep warm. Before I fell asleep too, I noticed that there was a small creak in the floorboards of the hall way. I decided that since it was too small of a noise to be a person, it was just because the planks were old.

"Guess we should replace them later." I whispered to myself. I fell asleep happily, dreaming of the day we ended the war against squids. The day me and Brice can live together without getting called into work so much that we could hardly see each other. Yeah... I can't wait until that day comes. Good night...


(A/N: Yeahhhh I thought I should add in a little SetoSolace into the mix :D but this small chapter wasn't a complete waste of time, believe me! The squid portal is now open! But maybe it's use won't be for good... Check out what I mean in the next chapter! Byeeee :D)

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