1K 29 7

Little side note:

What's up?? I'm just catching you guys up on certain things so sorry if you expected a chapter.

If you don't care for my little update then just ignore this. But for those of you interested, I am holding a special little poll.

But first, let me explain some things.

1) I do believe I have a bad case of writers block so hopefully I can get that cleared before Wednesday so I can keep with the updates.

2) My brain has been racked with ideas for new stories. From one shots to full on stories to even an entire collection or series. All for the amazing Team Crafted fandom :)

For some reason I can have ideas for other stories but it's so hard to put the pen to paper and start writing a draft for the story I'm already dedicated to...

3) The support I've gotten so far is just amazing considering this is my first story in the Wattpad community. Actually, anywhere on the interwebs! :D

It's just a huge wow for me and I can't thank you guys enough for supporting this story. Huge hug for all of you!!

And lastly, about that poll:

I've noticed a lot of support for the SkyZero part of the story instead of actual Skylox support.

MiamWiam even told Ty to jump off a cliff so Sub can be with Sky... Made me laugh though so thumbs up to you, dude XD

Anyways, if you guys would like an actual story that ships SkyZero, it'd be a big help if you'd comment such a thing.

I wanna know what you guys are interested in :) PLEASE THE PEOPLE!!

Believe me when I said that my brain is filled with ideas. I just need proper shipping so I can bend these plots to my whim...

So if you guys want a actual SkyZero shipping or something else, feel free to comment it!

I am open to any shipping because, well, hey, who doesn't like variety?

The shipping with the most number of comments will get their very own story!

I was talking to my friend, Rainshineta, and even she said that she hadn't even seen a SkyZero shipping before.

So I searched around Wattpad and I think I only found like 2 other stories with that shipping. I honestly thought there'd be more!!

And I think that's all really. Again, sorry if you expected a chapter.

I just felt like I needed to let you guys know what was going to be happening regarding the story and the channel.


Wow, the story is almost up to 450 views, huh? It felt like just a few days ago when I took the chance and uploaded that first chapter.

(Edit: As I am typing this, the story is now up to 31.57K views. Wow! I was looking back at old chapters and realizing how glad I was with less than 500 views. But now it's just mind boggling!)

I didn't think anyone would latch onto the story and actually read it. But I guess even first timers can get a bit of love too, huh?

I love writing, I really do. And it makes it all the better to know that I'm actually entertaining you guys while doing what I love :)

Aside from that, as of right now I am half way done writing the next chapter! Expect it tomorrow or Monday, kiddies!!

I seem to get the most work done with this story on the weekend since I don't have school to worry about.

Good night (or morning, I should say) it's 3 in the morning. I need sleep apparently.

Don't forget to comment your preferred shipping and if you're enjoying the story so far, gently tap that follow button and be patient with my slow brain.

Catch you guys later. Love for you all!! Peace <3

Heart Below SubZeroTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang