Technically A Filler

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The rumble of the collapsing ceiling rang through my ears, I can still hear it so vividly. I tried to run, to help Sky before he was crushed, by no matter how fast I was, I wasn't moving an inch.

This didn't make sense. Hadn't I seen this scene before? My eyes locked onto a terrified Sky, frozen in fear. I can't save him. Oh Notch I can't save him. I'm not fast enough. I CANT SAVE HIM.

I witnessed what was the scariest moment of my life over and over again. That damned noise bribed its way into my mind.

Cracked sunglasses flew off Sky's face as he fell. Finally the dust has settled and I could make my way to his side but it was too late. No... This was much worse.

A feeling of dread settled in my stomach as I looked at Sky's slack face. I didn't even need to check for anything else. Once I touched his cold face I knew the truth. He was dead.

I cried. The man I love is dead because I wasn't good enough. I was too slow. I swore to protect him! Why, why couldn't it have been me?! Sky didn't deserve any of this.

I fell to my knees and put my face in my hands. He was gone. I couldn't save him. I sobbed. Sky's gone.

I sat there, wanting to fix everything. If only I could go back and stop him from confronting the squids. The squids... Those bastards. I looked up at them.

They had wicked grins on their faces. They were laughing. Laughing at my pain. Laughing at my dead boyfriend. Laughing at all of Sky Army for being so stupid and falling into their trap.

I grit my teeth. Please let this be a nightmare. Please let this all be fake. Please let Sky be okay. I shook my head. No, this isn't real!

I heard a piece of the ceiling shift from behind me and I whipped my head around to look. Rage flowed through my veins seeing Sub behind me. Tears rushed down my face.

"What else do you want from me?!" I screamed. "You already have him! What more do you want?!" I don't know what overcame me to say that but I did.

Sub merely waved and turned, walking away. I screamed in sorrow and anger. I looked back down to look at Sky again but he wasn't there. Turning back around, I saw him, perfectly okay.

Relief bloomed in my chest. My eyes widened seeing his angelic face look down at me. "Sky..." I breathed.

It was then that his face contorted with disgust and hatred. "You betrayed me Ty." He sneered. My fists clenched. "N-no. Sky, I didn't-"

"SHUT UP! I hate you Ty Ellis! I HATE YOU!" He screamed at me. Those words hit me like a bomb. He doesn't mean that... Does he?

He doesn't know the truth. He doesn't know what he's talking about.

And yet I can't stop myself from crying. "N-no. Please Sky, let me explain! I'm not a-" he didn't give me time to finish. With a huff, he turned and walked away, catching up with Sub.

The animator took him by the hand and walked him out, leaving me to cry next to the pile of rubble. I wanted to disappear. I might not show it but this whole situation has me so lost and confused and I hate it.

Don't leave me, Sky. It's not me I swear.


I woke up with Jason poking me in the cheek. "You awake yet?" He asked, not stopping. I swatted his hand away. "Jerk." I mumbled.

I sat up. Oh yeah, squid cage. I rubbed my eyes, trying to get the fading memories of the dream out of my head. Something I identified as dried tears streaked down my face. I sighed.

"I don't blame you for having a nightmare. I had one myself." Jason said, curling his knees into himself. "I never realized how scary Sub could be..."

I looked out of the bars of our cage. "Yeah, no kidding. How long have you slept?" I asked him. He shrugged. "Maybe two hours at the most. I don't feel comfortable sleeping here." He said.

I gave a nod. "And the key? You still have it?" I asked. He nodded, pulling the small key out from under his chest plate. "Still got it. If some squid tried to take it, I'll know." He confirmed.

"That's great and all, but we need a plan. We won't get very far considering we can't breathe underwater."

"We'll figure something out. We have to." He said, determined. Honestly, if it weren't for his optimism, I think I probably would've accepted being a prisoner by now.

Sky hates me. The entire base hates me. What else would I have to live for without them? But Jason, smart and collected, is helping me through it. He's giving me the hope I need to make my way back home.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Yeah. And once we do, we'll clear our names and send Sub to the Nether." I said. I couldn't let Sky be with Sub like in my dream.

That will NOT happen so long as I'm breathing.



The base had settled since the whole incident, but a feeling of sorrow came with the calm. How were we going to win this war now?

Why did the squids have to make this so personal? I'm too hurt to lead, Ty is working with them, and Jason is Notch-knows-where. This is NOT good.

And I still haven't gotten over the fact that Ty could do this... NO SKY. Don't let yourself go back that path. You let yourself be sad but bows not the time.

I have an entire army to lead for fricks sake! Not only that, but the Dead Army and the Stars have had to converge with us until we find them a new leader.

But it won't be the same without Ty or Jason...

"Sky," Seto said. "I know you're hurting. But like it or not this is still a war. We're still gonna have to counter attack and we need a leader to show us how to fight. Be strong."

I sighed but still gave a nod. "Right. I guess we should plan out a line of defense while we get back on our feet." I said.

Seto agreed and left to call up people he thinks would be good in a leader position to fill in for the others. My guess is he'd call Ant and Jordan.

The frown that was settled on my face was being poked at all of a sudden. I looked to see Sub, who was trying to use his finger to drag the corners of my mouth into a smile.

I chuckled a little. "Don't worry about it Sub. I'm not so sad anymore." I said. He had been trying to cheer me up since we learned the truth yesterday.

"In fact, I'm kinda... Glad he's gone. I mean, if he wasn't going to stay loyal to the army, then why have him? He wasn't cut out to be a leader anyways..." I don't know how much of that I actually meant.

Sub nodded in agreement. I smiled at him. "Thanks for listening Sub. You have no clue how much it means to me." I gratefully said.

He smiled that amazing smile of his back.


(A/N: Wow that was actually pretty long for a filler. Does that even count as a filler? Nothing really happens but it was kinda "wordy"

And the dream Ty had came out longer than expected...

I kinda wrote this at last minute too...)

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