Attack on Squids pt 2

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Chapter 14-

(Warning: crappy fight scenes!! What more do you expect of me?? Dude I'm hecka tired XD)


Me and Ty looked up at the big iron doors to the base. I tightened my grip on my sword. I can feel the power surge throughout the enchanted item. I was glad to have this and not my regular budder sword. It'll really come in handy.

I said nothing. Ty said nothing. An entire army waited behind us for my orders. And my entire life is standing right next to me, fiddling with his headphones. Oh Ty...

My worse fears skimmed through my brain at a million miles an hour, but I kept a poker face. What if Ty got hurt? What if he ends up so badly injured that he ends up in a wheelchair, or blames me for what happens?

What if... He dies trying to protect me again? What if we fail at this mission somehow? Would I be unfit to be a leader? Would Ty hate me for somehow messing this up?

Deciding I was being paranoid and ridiculous, I swallowed my nerves and raised a hand. It signaled the recruits to be ready. Everyone stood at attention and it was obvious suspense was hanging in the air. When we go in, we will either walk out in victory, or crawl out in retreat and shame. If any of us make it out, that is.

No... I can't let myself be held back by such variables. We came here to win and that's what we're going to do. We didn't come already at loss, we have the element of surprise! And we have high numbers! We can do this!

Once we go in, Bodil and Tyler's squads should blow down the back where they keep the data. On the other side of the base, another squad is going to attack the base from the other side to get the squids outnumbered and confused as to where they should focus their attacks. That's how the plan should go.

Ty shuffled closer to me, grabbing my other hand even though it was still holding a sword. At that moment I felt brave. Nothing was going to hold us back. I smiled. As I swiped my hand forwards, I hollered so that everyone can hear. "CHARGE!"

I can never get used to the chaos that happens after that word is released. The stamped of footsteps caused the ground to shake under me and the clanging of their armor was the only noise that flooded my ears.

Ty released my hand and our biggest worry at the second was so that we didn't get ran over by the horde of eager recruits. We charged in, the force of the two of us plus a couple other people completely knocking over the iron doors off their hinges.

A battle cry erupted as they started flooding the base. Me and Ty made it to the middle of the room and looked around as the rest just went at it at the few squids that were there. Ink was splattering the ground. Those stupid creatures never stood a chance.

I was surprised how little squids there were working up in the front lobby, but I guess at this time they're all at work somewhere in the back or on other floors.

I stood up on a crappy wooden, water soaked desk to look over the others, who were searching the closets and corners for other victims. The alarm has long since started ringing.

I raised a hand to get their attention. "That was just a warm up! Search the entire base and take out every squid! Take no prisoners!" I announced, watching as they started to spread out. The base was so huge it had enough room for everyone to fit in.

As they started to disperse, I stood down from the desk and looked towards Ty. He gave me a determined grin. I shot one right back at him. "Go get 'em, general." He said to me. I nodded, pecking him on the cheek. "You too, captain." I said. We ran down the stairs together.

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