This is It

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Me, Mitch, and Jerome lead the rest of the generals we warned around the base, asking around for Ty and Sky.

It had taken a while to round them all up and explain to them the situation. It's taking even longer to find our friends. We want to help out. We're useless if we can't find them!

It seemed that the recruits no longer wanted Ty's head, but instead wanted to know just what the hell was happening.

"They couldn't have just disappeared!" Jerome exclaimed to a recruit, who seemed ashamed to not have given a helpful answer.

Ian grabbed my arm as looked at me with worry. "We've checked the entire base, they aren't here." He said. I remember his reaction when we told him what had happened.

Just like everyone else, shock and anger had taken place. We just didn't have the time to warn all the other generals so we basically just told the entire TC crew.

We looked around until Brice pushed his way towards us through the thickening crowd of confused recruits.

"Guys! I can't find Seto anywhere! Have you seen him?!" Brice asked, slightly frightened.

"He's probably with Ty and Sky since he's the first one we told." Jerome answered. Brice's eyes looked around the crowded room, finally landing on a recruit.

"You!" He called, pulled her aside. "Do you know where General Seto or General Sky is?" She shook her head.

"N-no sir. They were in General Sub's office with Deadlox and General Seto told us not to follow them. He teleported them away and we don't know where." She timidly answered.

Brice nodded. "Thanks, it's more help than you know." He said, letting her go. As soon as he turned back to us he said,"They're at Seto's house, in his basement."

"Seto's evil laboratory?" Jerome asked. Why he calls it that, we will never know.

I stared at Brice. "How in the great blocky world did you get that from what she told you?" I asked. "I just know Seto that well. Come on, we're going." He said, darting towards the exit.

::::Time Skip::::

We all basically tumbled down the stairs when we ran into Seto's basement. Brice was the first to gasp in relief.

"Seto!" He called. Looking around the room, there were only 2 of the 4 people we were looking for. Seto and Sky.

Seto was setting up a big black bowl on stands and pouring potions in it quickly. He looked up at us. "How did you guys know where we were?" He asked.

Brice gave a chuckle as he hugged his boyfriend. "Did you really think you can hide from me?" He observed the black bowl in the middle of the room. "What is this?"

Seto glanced at all of us, then to Sky, who was sitting up against a wall, sadly looking down.

"I'm setting up a spell that will allow us to look at what's going on on the other side." Seto muttered, mixing up the potions. Fog rolled over the sides and spilled onto the floor.

"What does that mean?" Mitch asked. "They're in the End." Sky plainly said, looking up and at the portal. "What?! What were they thinking?!" Ian yelled.

"Sub knocked Ty into the portal. They're going to battle there. I suppose there won't really be a victor though, considering it's nearly impossible to get out of the End alive." Seto explained.

Suddenly the large bowl lit up and there was a purple glow coming from the inside. We all crowded around the window Seto made.

There, we saw through a thin later of fog a birds eye view of Ty and Sub, standing face to face.

Heart Below SubZeroOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz