Detecive Jason... Backfired??

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I bit back a yelp as Sub tossed me against the wall, pinning me by my shoulder. I looked at the shorter male from a slightly elevated view since me managed to lift me a bit.

Why was he so strong? An angry glare from him made me second think my decision to snoop.

"Uh, hey Sub. Long time no see?" I nervously said. That was obviously a bad attempt but there was nothing more rational my brain can come up with.

His glare lowered from my face down to the file I held to my chest and back up. He pointed to it. "Oh, uh, this? I-I was just looking at it, ya know? I hope you don't mind." I said, offering it back to him. He snatched it back.

He still gave me a furious look though. What was with that? It felt like I was a child with my hand caught in the cookie jar.

"Don't worry, I didn't peek."I quickly said. No matter what it was, I didn't want to be in his bad side. Especially if he did have something to do with this...

He shook his head and pointed to the door, signaling me to get out. I gave a quick nod. What ever was it is in that file, I won't be able to see. It'll have to wait.

As I walked past him to leave, he grabbed my arm tightly. I was surprised at his strong grip. He was so short and small, I didn't expect him to have such an iron grip!

I looked at him with confusion. He placed a finger gently on his lips, silently telling me to be quiet about it.

I gave a quick nod, just wanting to get out of there before he blew his top or something. It felt so... Wrong. Even as I walked towards the door hastily, I felt as though I was doing the wrong thing.

I came up here because of my gut instinct so why aren't I acting on it now? Just because I don't want Sub to be mad at me?

Like hell I'm letting this get the better of me! Ty is gone and something's up. If this helps me learn why I feel so bad about the situation, then I don't care what Sub does.

I'm done being wary Jason. Nothing everything leads to one of my best friend being a traitor. I need to take a stand.

I stopped right in front of the door, not bothering to open it. "Sub." I said. I turned to face him. I wasn't going to keep quiet about him anymore. I kept a straight face.

"Just what is in that file?" I asked. He cocked his head to the side and waved his hand, as if saying it was nothing. Bull shit.

"I know that's a lie. If it was nothing then you wouldn't be so protective about it. Why do you lock it away?" I said. I wanted answers and Sub seemed to be the only place to get them.

But he didn't waver. He merely shook his head and went to put it back, as though I was just an annoyance. I clutched my fist.

"Goddamn it Sub, stop being so reclusive!" I suddenly snapped at him. For some reason, he was really trying my patience. It was pissing me off.

Even Sub looked a bit surprised at my demand. Good, now he knows I'm not joking. I walked closer to him to show I wasn't scared to confront him.

"Ty is gone, Sky's heart broken, and the whole army is in fucking trouble! Now I know you don't like Ty but think about Sky. He needs everyone's help here..." I said, calming my voice.

Sub lowered his head a little, seeming to be in thought. Slowly, he turned and dropped the file on the desk behind him. Maybe I can actually have a conversation with him.

"Listen. Sky is in no shape to lead this army, especially with one of his officers out. We all need to help him and find out what happened to Ty. Sub... I have a feeling that... You know what happened." I said, being very straight forward. I honestly had no clue how other way I could've went with this.

I hope I made the right move.

Sub didn't move. He just slightly shook his head again before pulling out his white board again. It was a but inconvenient that he doesn't talk. It refuses to talk...? Seriously, what's his story with that?

He wrote something down and tossed the white board to me, throwing me off balance. I caught it uneasily and read it.

"I am doing this for Sky."

The last thing I heard was a sword being drawn.

I think I made the wrong move.



How was I suppose to cope with this? I was played by the man I loved. He didn't care for us. Emotions mixed in my gut, making me feel sick. Though that could also be a side effect of my concussion.

I was betrayed. I was lied to. Not only that, the entire army was lied to. What could be so great that could make Ty throw everything away? What did the squids have to offer him?

I crumpled the note and threw it at the wall, hearing my own angry yell rip through my throat. I was mad.

But I was also really sad. How did he think I was going to deal with this? Who would do this?! To play with all of us... It was so below Ty!

I thought I could trust him! I thought he loved me...

I quickly wiped the tears from my face when I heard the door open. I whipped my head around to see someone with a kind face walk into the room. "O-oh, hey Sub..." I said, looking away. I didn't want him to see me like this.

A look of sadness crossed his face. He came up next to me and gently placed a hand in my shoulder. It was nice. I shook my head and looked up to him.

I could tell he was trying to comfort me the best he could, but I didn't want him to feel bad for me. I'm the leader of this army, I have to be strong. But it's so hard when I feel this... this CRAPPY.

"Thanks Sub..." I said, sniffling. He gave a nod but he didn't stop comforting me. He wrapped his arms around me gently as to not hurt me anymore than I already was. He was so nice.

I let his warmth in for a few seconds, allowing myself to be sad for a few more seconds. I know it was lame of me, but I needed someone to turn to. This hurt so much.

I actually found myself crying on his shoulder, holding him close. How could I be so STUPID for letting myself be played?! Ty never loved me... He broke up with me with that stupid note... And now we're going to lose this war.

Sub rubbed circles on my back, letting me get my sorrows sorted. I didn't want to be so weak in front of him but it hurt so much!

I sighed and pulled away, wiping my face again. Sub gave me another look of comfort and I liked it...

He was really sweet and quiet I couldn't help but give him a smile. "Wow, you really know how to make someone feel better without saying anything, huh?" I said. He gave a small shrug.

"You're a really good friend, ya know that?" I said. He smiled and rubbed the back of his head, facing the other way for a second.

"Well, I guess I should talk to the others about this. There's no getting around this." I said. He nodded, standing up. A lump in my throat formed.

"Sub," I said,"You won't betray me like Ty...right?" I don't think I would be able to stand it if somebody else turned on us like this. He turned to face me, almost surprised. After a second, he did something unexpected.

He knelt next to my bedside and gently laced both of his hands around mine. They were soft and warm...

A look of determination crossed him, almost as if saying silent words. Almost like he was saying "I would never."


(A/N: I hate writers block so much -.-

Peace <3)

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