Jason Im Confused

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Chapter 7-


"No, Ian! I don't even WANT to know what the icing is! Gah! Stop it!"


This man was crazy! I ran up the stairs in an attempt to get away from him in this maze of a base. I took the second turn on my left and ran into a open door, shutting it before he could even reach the top of the stairs. I probably ran at a inhuman speed. I held my breath as I heard him run by, thankfully passing the room I was in.

When I was certain he wasn't around, I let out the breath I was holding. "Man. Note to self: don't insult SSundee's cake..." I whispered to myself. All I said was that it looked a little under cooked! Somehow it turned into him trying to get me to try his cake and then we resulted to yelling and... Yeah, don't mess with Ian's baking.

I balanced my irregular breathing and tried to look around the room I was in. A single but giant window was right behind a office desk, so the moonlight gave a soft glow to the room. It was someone's office. All the officers got their own offices naturally, but this one seemed different.

Those of us that were here long enough had made ourselves comfortable in the base, like Quentin or Mitch and them and they aren't as clean. But this office seemed more tidy. I didn't recognize it. Must be a newer officer. Sky had recruited some newer guys, so it must be one of theirs.

I knew it was probably wrong, I should've probably left then and hope to avoid Ian, but I made out to explore the room. I am a nosey person, that I'll admit. It's not like I shuffle through people's drawers or anything. I just wanted to see what this guy has in here.

I removed my helmet and placed it on a chest in the corner of the room. I strolled over to the office desk and sat down in the spiny chair thing(yeah, that's what I call it). I opened a small chest that was under the table top of the desk. A small amount of files were in it, they hardly filled half the chest. They were put in alphabetical order. I grabbed one from J.


It was a report on a certain map Sky did not too long ago with Tyler and Sub. Going by the fact that I know what Tyler's office looks like, I guessed that I was in that weirdo Sub's office.

Sub's job was to make sure that the map will work as it should as Sky and anyone else he was with played it. But according to this report, as many recent ones that I skimmed over, he was playing them with him.

So Sub wasn't really working, he was just playing maps and games with Sky. I hope he gets more work so that he won't get to be the only one slacking off. Dartron was new and he's been working his ass off lately. Even OakWard and Ross got their work done decently.

I placed the files back right where I found them as to not raise suspicion that someone was here. I opened the chest next to it. It was full of video tapes. I raised a eyebrow, looking at all the neatly piled tapes in the box. Out if curiosity, I picked it up.


What? This video was old! It was one of the first of the many Cops and Robbers we have done. What would Sub need with this? I picked up another.


This was back when we played with the Klub Ice mod way back then. How many other tapes did Sub have? I picked up yet another tape.


This was weird. I picked up the chest and put it on my lap so I could look through it better when I realized something. There was a hole in the ground under the chest. And in the hole was another chest. Full of video tapes.

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