The Ex

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Hello my famous readers! I hope you like this chapter and if you didnt then please read the note that I wrote!


It felt like nobody was there and that it was only me and luke But there where people. It was sad that we never get our alone time because of my over protective brother.

Thinking about all that it gave me a flash back.


I was walking down the street until my boyfriend or now exboyfriend stopped in his car to pick me up and we went to his house. When we got to his house he sat down on the bed and I sat on top of him. I looked at him and he look at me and what we didnt know was that we were leaning in he started to kiss me and I kissed him back he started getting rougher and he through me on my back. He started to run his hands up my sides and pulled up my shirt. I pushed his hands but he was to strong and he just pushed back. I started to scream but it was only me and him in the house but thank got I screamed loud enough for the naighbors to hear so they called the cops and he was arrested.


luke saw me zone out so he was shaking me I jumped and he noticed and stopped shaking me.He asked if i was ok and I just replide with a yes. We walked out of the building with our heads held high an we walked to the hotel. When we got to the hotel me and luke walked up to our room. Me and luke both layed down and i fell asleep on top of him.

(2 weeks later)

It's been two weeks and we were about to go to our last concert. Me and ashton were talking when we heard a scream come from Calums hotel room. Me and ashton walked out of the room to see Calum soking wet out side of his room and inside was luke and michael with water guns.

"You fucking jerks!"Calum screamed running into his room and to the bathroom.

"Why did you guys do that to calum."I asked luke. He didnt answer he just walked away with his head hung with shame.

"We need to get ready  for the concert," Michael said walking to his room.

We were all ready and we were in the car going to the stadium. When we arrived we were all practacing and when she said I was on in five minutes I was super excited because I got to sig with calum today. It was awesome everybody's awesome and nobody can change that.

We were doing the backstage stuff when it was time to talk to some of the fans. A bunch of screaming girls came in and right behind them was a man It seemed like I reconized the man and he did as well. He walked up to me and I asked if I could Help him.

"Yes, It would be an honour to say hi to my girlfriend," He said it loud enough for luke to hear. nd I noticed his face get very red.

"Im sorry but I don't know you,"I said.

"What about now cupcake,"All of a sudden it clicked It was beck my ex the one that was sent to jail.

"I thought I made it clear that we were not a thing any more,"

"Well you never said we weren't"He said

"But you were put in jail because you tried to rape me and if we were still dating then i wouldnt let them put in there anyways"I wispered.

"Is there a problem here,"Ashton said walking up and putting his arm on my sholder.

"No, beck this is my older brother ashton, ashton this is beck my ex boyfriend."I say making sure beck heard the ex part.

"Well ill leave you alone but I want to get to know you again so why dont you come over sometime,"He said giving me his address and phone number...

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