Zarame the Shy

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Type of Roleplay: Modern, adventure, drama, romance.
Name: Zarame
Age: 17
Birthday: January 1st
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Gay
Power: Control over ice, but has no idea what he's doing.
Personality: This blonde male is on the shy and introverted side. He's very jumpy and gets scared easily. Zarame is extremely clumsy but he really does try to be more cautious, since he doesn't want to cause anyone trouble. It takes a lot for the boy to open up to strangers, but he's trying to get better with it. He doesn't like being touch by surprise, since he's afraid he might hurt someone on accident. Zarame is a sweetheart, who just needs some reassurance. If you form a relationship with him, you'll have to remind him how much you love him. Zarame has issues with self confidence and has a problem where he always thinks you can find someone better. Be careful with the snowflake.
Height: 5"5
Weight: 114 lbs
Special Marks/Birthmarks: None

Height: 5"5Weight: 114 lbsSpecial Marks/Birthmarks: NoneLooks:

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Likes: Winter, snow, the cold, solitude, art, cuddling.
Dislikes: Fire, summer, thunder, crowds, sudden loud noises.
Hobbies: Ice skating (no surprise there) and the occasional sketch.
Backstory: WIP
Other: None
Scenario 1: You and a group of your "friends", were leaving a bar. They were completely wasted and you were only there as a driver. Everyone was about it crowd into the rented car but they stopped. "Oi! Ain't that the lil Snowflake over there!" One of the yelled. A boy with platinum blonde hair was on the sidewalk where the guy was pointing.
Fear was struck in the boy's eyes. You didn't recognize the boy. Your group of "friends" began to approach the boy.
"This is the lil sh*t who made me slip on my @$$!" One of them yelled as they grabbed the boy by the collar.
"Hey!! Let me go!" The boy squeaked.

Scenario 2: You and Zarame have been dating for about two months. Before that, you two were best friends who lived as roommates in a cabin together. Now, fall had come and you were looking out the window as you finished washing the dishes. You were watching Zarame, who was out in the field, by the small pond. He was trying to practice how to use his ice powers, so he had been focusing on getting the lake to freeze. You smiled softly and dried your hands. Then you headed outside and onto the grass. That's when you suddenly saw the pond become an icy blue. Zarame had done it, but he ended up slipping on his butt. You were worried for a moment, but he suddenly raised his hands and yelled, "I did it!"
Scenario 3: Make it up!

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